Some of Sunset's Questions

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"Seth? Autumn?" Sunset said, holding the two back for a second before lunch, "When you... what did you..."

"Do? About Anon-a-miss?" Autumn finished, "Well, I come from the Kirin tribe, we're adoptive cousins for people who actually wonder, and the Kirin are nice, sociable, friendly people. When someone uses the term 'Nirik' to describe us, that's one of the few things that would piss off any self-respecting Kirin. On so many levels. My parents and I moved to Brooklyn when I was nine, then Seth and I became good friends because we were just so different from everyone else. Some time after I turned twelve, well, let's just say I may not get to see my mom and dad until after I leave Earth for good. Anyway, word got to Seth's parents, so I was adopted into their family, and we've been close ever since. That thing with Touchdown, let's just say... Niriks are the demonic equivalent of Kirin. That's why you won't be seeing him for a while outside of the Urgent Care Unit."

"She doesn't mean that lightly by any stretch of means."

"So... that... basically means something along the lines of 'Walking Demon'?"

"Essentially, yeah."

"I will definately try to stay on your good side," she turned to Seth, "And your synesthesia? By the way, what is that?"

"It's... I don't really know how to explain it, other than I can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things that most people can't, primarily because my brain kicks something in with it that isn't there. For instance, I can see the Wi-Fi signals when I'm or someone else is using a device, or when I listen to music or sound, I can see like a scope of the song or sound, or if I'm looking up fanart, an oil-painting-style picture for instance, I would feel the oily texture just by looking at the picture. In fact, creepers in Minecraft actually feel like dead leaves. It's actually pretty awesome for me. When Anon-a-miss pulled that shit at me, you got the rundown earler, but it ended with me making 'predictions' about the tech, but mostly calling people out without even seeing what they were doing on their phones," he suddenly became somewhat disturbed, "Porn is one thing, but what I saw over the airwaves, was beyond disturbing, to say the least."

"I just have to ask, even though I don't want to, but what?"

"Download MorningDew, lock the doors, close the windows, mute your device, and on 100l<(_)|*.mist, look up porn, and be prepared to see un-unseeable things."

"How do you know that's there, Seth?"

"For one thing, the MorningDew network is on the Deep Web and Dark Web, it's intentionally hard to find data, even to the point where I can't see more than the next page, sometimes, and when I think I've got the cracked, bootleg copy of whatever $500 piece of software I'm looking for, well, you know how it goes from there. Darknet, you know?"

"I'll just take your word for it," Sunset said, "Now let's get lunch."

Author's Notes:

If anyone reading this does decide to go into what has also been nicked "Digital Hell", I hold no responsibility for what you might find.

I actually do have synesthesia, which helps with some details when I'm writing.

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