Chapter Three

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Ella's P.O.V.
I only get to take one bite out of my strawberry cake before I hear the communication lacrima beep. I hop out of my seat and skip to the lacrima that mostly everyone must be ignoring. I lay my hand on it, conecting to the person that's trying to get a hold of Fairy Tail.
A man in his early thirties apears. He looks tired and beat up, but he must've won what ever fight that he fought. "Hello? Can I talk to one of the Dragneel parents? Their daughter has..." His face turns like he's looking at someone.
My chest tightens. "Luna? Is she okay? What happened? Is she injured?" I was about to continue about my worry for my nakama, but the man cuts me off.
"Even an older child would do." He says.
My body goes cold. "The older child was killed in a train crash last year, I'll get Natsu-"
The blonde man shakes his head. "I would tell Natsu about this when she gets back to Fairy Tail with George. Get Lucy, now."
I frown. "Lucy isn't here, she stayed home."
He turns around and speaks. "George, Lucy was never at the guild today."
"What do you mean? Are you saying she was actually kidnapped?" George's faint voice asks.
I panic and yell, "NATSU!" I feel my voice collapse with fear and worry
Everyone in the guild stops and Natsu looks dumb-founded. "What is it, Ella?" My mom asks in a serious tone.
"Dude with blonde hair-" I say.
"Sting, twin dragon of Sabertooth." The man says.
"Sting from Sabertooth-" I begin again.
Natsu is there, shoving me away. "What is it?"
Natsu's P.O.V.
I stare at Sting, jeez I haven't seen him in so long. I wonder what's wrong.
"Your daughter, Luna-" He starts.
"WHAT'D YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER?!" I scream, not thinking.
George appears, looking sideways. "Natsu, there's some wacko that turned the whole train off, ripped the trains roof off, and then started attacking and like drained Luna..." George pales and says. "That sounds pathetic but its true." He frowns. "You should also check on Lucy, the guy that did this to Luna well... must've made an illusion to trick our brains that Lucy was captured."
My eye twitches. "I wish Luce was here." I mumble. I look at George, who goes away and hopefully is trying his best to help Luna. "Sting, help them, please." Then my rage is too much and I smash the lacrima.
"Laxus is going to be pissed that you broke that." Gray says.
"Your son is involved in this too, ice princess." I say in a deathly cold voice.
I sprint out of the guild, hearing foot steps behind me. I look behind me to see my son Igneel. I stop and he crashes into me. "AGH DAD!!" I pick him up and turn him towards the guild and point. He frowns. "I want to come with you!"
"No. Guild, now." I say and nudge him forwards. "I'll know if you're following me." I turn around and start to jog. "I am one hundred percent dragon slayer."
I hear him growl, but he retreats. I smile but it vanishes as I sprint towards my house. As I get there, I don't care about keys, I kick the door down and I go to my room right away. Lucy isn't there. Craaaaaap.
"LUCY!" I yell and my voice booms through the big house.
"Yes?" I hear her reply from down stairs. I sigh in relief and start to go down stairs when but freeze when I hear. "WHY DID YOU KNOCK DOWN THE DOOR?!"
I jump off the railing in front of her, scaring a scream out of her, and kiss her. She's very stunned, but falls into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull back and would grin, but I'm still worried. "You didn't leave here today, did you?" I ask her.
She touches my cheek. "Are you okay, Natsu? You're pale and you sound-"
"Luna and George were attacked, Sting called with the lacrima and when I was done talking I smashed it." I pause, knowing that's not very important. "I'm not sure what happened but Sting is helping George bring Luna back to Fairy Tail."
Lucy's eyes widen and she gasps. "I knew I should've went to the guild! The dream, of course! It was real! Oh my god!" She runs out the broken door and sprints towards the guild. I'll follow, after fixing the door.
Sting's P.O.V.
I'm starting to see Natsu in Luna. Her eyes are like his, not to mention the hair color. It was obvious when she said "I'm all fired up" that she was Natsu's daughter. I look at George, apparently related to the ice Mage Gray. "So, George, are you and Luna-?"
"Don't want to talk about it." He snaps.
"Ice cold. Like his father." I sigh. "Y'know, your dad really hated Sabertooth. Actually everyone did. Expecially Natsu. Oh god Natsu probably would've killed Mirvana if he had the chance." I put my arms out. "I can carry her, you should get some rest."
His jaw tightens. "I don't want her to fall into the wrong hands again."
I face palm. "Typically." I glare at him, making shivers run through his spine. "I'm a loyal person, if I even let another scratch come upon Luna, I'd be dead."
"You'd be dead? How?" George asks, ignoring my statement.
I sigh. "Natsu, obviously. If he's already lost one kid, then what kind of man would let a father lose another child?"
George stays silent for a while and the only sound is our feet crunching the leaves on the ground. "I know, my dad always spoke of Sabertooth, on how much he wished to kill your memory-make guy." He holds Luna out to me. "He also said that you made a new guild with good people, good ways, no more death and judgment to the weak."
I take Luna in my arms, and her heat hits me lit an explosion. "Whoa, fire dragon slayers have really warm body heat." I comment.
"And you see why my dad and Natsu always rival. My sister and her, they always fight. Just like their fathers..." George heaves a deep sigh. "There was this, ah, boy that I bumped into during a solo mission. He looked like you, but eyes and hair and others were different."
"You met my elder son, Sting Junior." I smile. "He's strong, almost caught up to me." I mumble a bit saying, "stubborn as hell..."
George sighs. "The problem is that I've never actually defeated a Mage by myself, honestly. If it wasn't for Luna or some of part of our other team, I'd be dead." He paused. "Well mostly Luna."
My eyebrows furrow. "I'm starting to worry. My children have celestial age magic and dragon slayer magic too. I just hope that they haven't gone on any solo missions."
"Oh so you're wife is... agh I can't remember her name... Lucy always asks her spirits to ask your wife's spirits how she's doing." George frowns. "It would be easier to just call Sabertooth."
I laugh, about to tell him Y-
"HEY YOU!" A voice calls. My mouth opens and I start to sweat nervously, I give Luna back to George. "I have a really bad background with this place, I'll try to get in touch with the guild again." I smile. "BYE!"

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