Chapter 1 - Their love!

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Another usual day starts in their life.. the bright sun and the melody by the birds chirping make a lovely morning to start a day!

A sweet, simple and innocent girl thanked God for giving her the chance to live one more day beside her Husband, her life, her everything.. Her HumSafar (Companion - someone who walks with you during the path of your life).

After ending her quick prayer, she laid beside her husband once again and ruffled his soft thick hair for few seconds before she touched her lips with his.

He responded to her kiss in his sleep but stopped when sleep took over him again. She kissed him again and he responded but stopped in middle falling asleep.

Khushi giggled at his cuteness, whenever she kisses him, he doesn't ignore her ever.. Whatever he's doing, he will stop to give his attention to her. But when he's sleeping, he doesn't have control over it unfortunately. He tries to kiss her but always stop in middle letting his sleep take over him, and she always find him cute like child doing this.

She got up with huge smile on her lips and the reason is her Husband. His cute antics early in morning make her happy and energetic for the rest of the day.

Few minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom and found him checking something on his phone sitting on the bed.

"Arnav ji you can go and freshen up.. I'm going to prepare our breakfast.." Khushi said handling his towel to him.

"Okay meri Jaan.. (my life)" Arnav said, keeping his phone aside. He took the towel from her hand and went towards the bathroom.

She left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.


She hurriedly kept the plates on the table after watching him going through his files on the living room. She thought he must be in hurry to leave for office and she didn't want him to delay because of her. 

She rushed to the kitchen again to take his toast and his coffee when she heard his voice, "Take your time.. no need to hurry up.. I'm not late!"

She smiled hearing it and came back with his food. Serving his breakfast to him, she sat in the chair beside to his.

"Chana!" she exclaimed chirpily seeing chana on the table. She already knew that Arnav bought it for her. Grabbing the packet with her both hands, she attacked her favorite chana.

"Will you forget your husband now?" Arnav teased as he saw her whole concentration was on her eating her chana forgetting completely about her surroundings

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"Will you forget your husband now?" Arnav teased as he saw her whole concentration was on her eating her chana forgetting completely about her surroundings.

Khushi stopped eating and looked at him and giggled, "No! Never!"

After they finished breakfast, Arnav went to his study room. Khushi went to their room and took his wallet and handkerchief, his bag and his coat.

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