Chapter 3 - The Real Khushi!

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Next day..

Arnav walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, as he wiped his wet hair with another towel, he called out "Khushi!!"

"Do you need something ASR?" he heard a female voice asking him in a seductive tone.

Sheetal ran her fingers on Arnav's back, but was harshly stopped by him who held her hand and shoved it away angrily.

"Get out of my room Sheetal.." Arnav gritted his teeth glaring at her.

"Relax ASR.. I just wanted to help you since your wife is busy at the kitchen.." Sheetal said.

"When I call my wife then it means that only she can help me, not any other women can replace her or what she do for me in this life, got that?" he said.

Sheetal nodded faking a smile, "Of course I know that.. I just thought I could be of your help!"

"And you got your answer, now just leave my room!" Arnav said frowning.

"ASR why are you talking to me like this? I'm your friend!" Sheetal said pouting.

Arnav sighed hard, "Look Sheetal I don't you know if you any shame or not, but I can't talk with you when I'm just in towel in my room.. I'm a married man, hope you're smart enough to understand this!"

"Oops you're right.. I just forgot that Khushi may think we both are having an extra marital affair.. Sorry, we will talk later.." she giggled and walked to leave the room.

Arnav just shook his head and mumbled to himself, "Witch!"

Khushi stood at the door of her room as she watched Sheetal walking out with a smirk on her face and when she peeked inside she saw her husband standing near the bed shirtless and only towel wrapped around his waist.

She walked in the room and closed the door. Reaching near Arnav, she hugged him from behind and dropped a kiss on his back, "You called me Arnav ji?"

"Yes.." Arnav smiled and turned to her, "Busy ho?"

"Aapke liye nahin hoon (For you I'm not)" she smiled.

"Actually I'm not finding my white shirt.." Arnav said.

"HP washed your white shirt Arnav ji.." she said.

"Oh okay.." he nodded.

"Let me choose another shirt for you.." Khushi said as she walked to their closet and took out another shirt for him.

She came near him and helped him wear his shirt, buttoning his shirt's buttons, she looked up to him: Is this Sheetal eyeing on my Handsome Hunk?

Arnav smirked hearing her, but seriously said: She's not a woman to be trusted!

"I just realized that.." Khushi said.


At the breakfast table..

"Seriously!! Are you going to eat aloo parathas for breakfast?" Ragini asked making disgusting faces.

"HP is bringing other food also.." Khushi said, "Less oily and good for your health!"

"Hello hi bye bye.. Trying to impress your mother in law?" Manorama teased.

"I was actually just trying to make everyone have breakfast peacefully!" Khushi smiled.

Khushi went to sit beside Arnav. She served his breakfast and Arnav served for her.

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