Chapter 2 - the bridge

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Tags speeds towards his home, the hellhole of the bridge.

Tags was one of the first people to move here and is either fear or liked by the people. He doesn't care as long as they know not to mess with him.

The bridge is a chunk of an old highway that was built up high with the pillars supporting it being 50 feet tall each. Tags was the first person to build his home between two of the struts of the highway so is house is suspended from the bottom of the concrete highway and has bridges that connect to the other rooms of his house which takes up four of the struts. His house is made out of pieces of scrap metal just like everyone else. There is a ladder that goes all the way up to his house from the floor.

Everyone called him crazy for building up there because they thought it would fall but it's one of the best houses, in the way of support. They also realised the advantage of being up there when after a week of it being there and when tags was only 12 he was being robbed by 3 men and he killed them all by pushing them off. The other struts were quickly take up after that.

Tags begins getting close to the town when he realises that one of the DGU armoured vehicles is driving out of the main gates. They drive by you and stare at you as they ready their guns. He just keep driving. Picking a fight with the DGU is a losing battle no matter the circumstances. He stops at the main gate.

Tags: it's tags let me in.

Ben: password.

Tags: fuck off.

Ben: incorrect but off the response I know it's you. Come on in.

The doors open and he drive through and pull up in the big open space where everyone parks their cars. They don't call it a car park because the parking is shambolic so it looks more like a scrap yard.

Tags gets out of his car and pulls his rucksack and guns out. He fastens the guns to each side of his rucksack and fills his rucksack with the most valuable stuff because he had taken to much and then he locks the rest in his car. He swings the bag onto his shoulders and turns around.

A girl stands in front of him. She punches him sharp in the jaw dislocating it. Tags snaps it back into place.

Tags: Jesus, what's that for?

Kira: where have you been?

Tags: the caravan was running later than I thought.

Kira: did you see... did you find him?


Kira: ...oh, ok...

Tags: on a brighter side the caravan you told me about had good shit.

Kira: and my cut?

Tags: you'll get it.

Kira: 75%.

Tags: fuck off. 10%.

Kira: 74%.

Tags: 15%

Kira: don't be a cunt and we settle at 60%.

Tags: well I'm the one who got a knife in the leg so 30%.

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