\9/ can we talk

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Sorry for the long ass chapter

pov Ashley

It's Monday a new day of school, I turn of the fire and put the eggs on the plates I write a note for Niall.

Hey I'm out it's school day
I know you hate it when I wake you
So good luck with coming late
At least you have breakfast

I walk upstairs to his room, and put the plate on his bedside table.
I walk back downstairs and take my bag and go to my class.


Louis! Ash! We yell and got angry looks from our other classmates.
How was your weekend? He ask me great I need to tell you something but pleas don't tell Niall.
Why? You got a crush? he say No! I say and laugh you know the side activities I say yeah, what did you choose Louis ask field hockey I say.
Really that's awesome I'm more a football/ soccer player though Louis say.

Guess witch position I say middle he ask nope I say and shake my head.
What then? He ask Goalie/ keeper I say OMG that amazing I'm middle from the Soccer team he say proud.
Serious I ask he nod that is so cool I say I know right.
Sorry mister we both say, let's start with the exercises he wispers.


I will see you at the lunch break we say to each other and I walk to my next class.
It's chemistry with Shawn, he is already sitting at our tables on the same way I found him the first time.
Hey I say soft knowing that he doesn't like to have attention in classes, hey Ash he say and looks to me a smile is spreading on his face.

Can I ask you something I say, always he say and look back to the exercises I give him a pen so he can start making it.
What kind of side activity did you choose? I ask music because that is a big part of my life he say I nod that's cool are you like a singer our just an instrument player I ask both I sing and can play different instrument and you he ask.

Field hockey I'm the keeper I say that's awesome our team is really great I saw you play this weekend then, I always watch the matches since James plays in it Shawn say that's nice he really is a great player I say.
Wait didn't you call for the last goal he ask and looks to me I nod and look away I just new he would score I say yeah and he did good, have you seen the look on Tim's face it was priceless Shawn say I know. *School bell* this less hour did go faster then I thought.

We walk into the cafeteria and I sit down at the table with the guys.
Hey everyone I say hi Ash, Shawn they say back I'm going grab some food you want as well Shawn ask me. no I'm good I will just eat some apples I took this morning I say to Shawn he doesn't say anything but shakes his head and goes to the lineup for food.

Where is Niall, Harry ask probably still asleep I say what! He missed those two hours Harry say, well he is always pissed when I wake him and last week I got pushed in his closet door so good luck I say.
haz just calm down he is already making his way over Louis say.

Morning Nialler we say and I just smirk, morning he mumble.
How was your breakfast I ask, cold but good he say and give me an angry look.
Hey hey keep your temper down I did nothing wrong I say.

Here this is much better then some fruit Shawn say and give me some sandwich, Shawn you didn't have to do that seriously I say and shake my head.
Well that sucks cause I already paid it and I'm allergies for it he say and shrugs his shoulders, thanks though I say and give him a smile that he returns immediately.

Ugh sure go slime by others for your 'food' you can't even do a simple thing yourself Niall say, what is your problem I ask.
The only thing your good at is making food and even that you need to get from others Niall say, f*ck off I say angry this time.
What don't think I'm scared of you we both know what happened back there he say with a smirk.
Then you also need to know that it happened because of your nephew your prick I yell and get up and walk away.
I walk through the side door and get to the outside, I walk to he grass field knowing that James is somewhere here as well.

I didn't had to search long because there are 4 guys laying on top of each other and James' shaved head is easily spotted, hey Ash I hear one of them say it's the one at the bottom it's Con.
Wait Ash? James ask and Tris get off, then James after James comes Brad.
Hey lads I say and sit down, sorry but why your here, I mean your welcome but- James say I get it's alright it's Niall he pisses me of he's so annoying I say.
Ash! Ash! Shawn yells Shawn I say and wave him over after getting approve from the boys.
Hey lads he say when he notice the others, at least your with them he says.

So I've been asking around today and now I'm curious again, what are your side activities I ask Brad, Tris and Con.
Well we're a band with James also but he wanted to do hockey as well Con say, really that's so cool I say.
Ash can I ask you something as well Shawn say 'Course I say confused, what happened back with you and Niall he ask oh about that uhm can we talk about that later in your dorm I ask he nodded.


My last less is done, I get out of the class and someone bumps into me.
Sorry I wasn't looking he say and get down to pick up his books, he has blonde/ Brown curly hair, it's alright I wasn't looking either I say and help him getting his books.

You are Ash right he ask uhm yes, wait haven't I seen you at the match Saturday you we're standing in the Shadow I say he nod slowly please don't tell anyone he pleaded I won't promise but who are you, I'm Ashton you must have heard about me he say I nod, shit I need to go their coming this way he say and run away.

I stand up and blink a few times, I made my way over to Shawn and James their dorm.
I knock on the door, it's open I hear Brad yell hey guys I yell and make my way over to the couch.
Con is playing a video game with Brad snuggled in his side, James is making food with Tris and Shawn is nowhere seen.
I plop down next to Brad.
Shawn comes out of his bedroom, so you asked about me an Niall I say and look at Shawn.
They look at me and sit down as well.
And that's how I told them the hole story of me.


Part 10

Ashley meeting Ashton
And her telling her story to the boys.

Hope you enjoyed it


Xx Koekiemonster

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