\15/ Autumn break is over

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POV Ashley

I feel someone shaking me, trying to wake me up, after the incident not much has happened.
The same person is still shaking me, Ash wake up I hear a voice say.
I slowly open my eyes but quickly shut them again, Shawn I mumble not really believing it yet.
Its me he says kissing my head, Your back I say fully opening my eyes and hugging him.

He starts to chuckle someone has missed me he says, you don't even wanna know I say, Don't worry I already know he whispers and hold me tighter.
I known Liam has told you I say softly, C'mon go change I'm taking you out Shawn says letting go of me, I hummed and walk to my closet to take out a outfit;  A simple yellow shirt and my dungarees.

Where are we going I ask while opening his car door and sit down in the passenger seat.
You will see soon enough Shawn say with a big smile, I really missed you Shawn say.
Me too I'm glad were together again I say, indeed and I don't plan on leaving you're side Shawn say.

Shawn turns down in some side road, it turns out to have a big open place with a lot of car parks.
I look back to the front of the car, I gasp ITS A DRIVE IN MOVIE! I yell.
You like it Shawn say chuckling, nah I hate it its to soft for me I say trying to keep a straight face.
I lean in and kiss Shawn's cheek, Thank you for bringing me here for our date I say.
There is this guy walking around with his flash light and tickets, Shawn rolls down his window and pay for out ticket. Not long after that the movie started to play.

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We are back at campus after our movie date, so how was your break I ask.
We haven't talked much during the movie, we only had some small talks about the movie itself.
It was great I saw my sister again he says joy filling his eyes, that's great I bet you two have missed each other I say.
We did indeed, also have been continue writing this song he says looking away from me.
That's good right? I say Ind- ASHLEY, SHAWN before i could see who was yelling our names people are jumping on us and lay down.

if it isn't the vamps Shawn say chuckling, that's when it clicked.
JAMES, TRIS, CON, Brad I yell back Tris start to laugh and that make us all laugh.
How did break treat you guys I ask, really good we saw our family and continued our writing progress, but the best part for me was seeing Jessy again Brad say.
I start to laugh even harder, the boys told me all about their break, I'm happy we are all together again. I really missed those Boys.

Sadly school is starting again, but we don't dwell long on that, think positive and count the days till the next break or happy thing.

Ash! James say bringing me out of my thoughts, yeah I ask I love you he says with a big grin.
Tris, Con and Brad follow close behind with their I love you's.
I love you too guys I say and look at the boys, I let my gaze wander of and look at Shawn.
Thank you for making me soft I say and chuckle, my pleasure he says with a smirk.


Part 15, It took me a while to finish this chapter.
Sorry for the long waiting, I just have been busy with other books.

XX koekiemonster

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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