~*~ Chapter 4 - The Story of Us ~*~

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~Third-Person POV~

Roman was an angel, the embodiment of love, life, and goodness, so why was nothing working in his favor? He sat in his bedroom, trying to come up with some form of plan to help get Virgil's memories back. That was a problem since he didn't even know how Virgil lost his memories in the first place. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He bolted off of his bed and went to answer the door, not wanting to invite anyone in while he had Remus here. Remus wasn't actually in the visible part of the room.

Shortly after Virgil's disappearance, Roman had been inconsolable. They all had been. Logan had lost a best friend, Patton had lost what was basically a child to him, and Roman had lost his soulmate. Patton and Logan had still had each other though, and between Logan's intellect and Patton's drive to do what was right, they forged through their pain to find a solution. Roman had felt he didn't have someone to rely on, he had locked himself in his room for days on end. Patton had come to his rescue, an old spell that could be used to create a pocket dimension. A place where he could create anything he could imagine. Roman had used it to calm his aching heart, to imagine a world where Virgil was safe and happy. It had been enough to give him some solace. It had been just enough to get him through the five years where Virgil was gone. Now, however, it was being used for a different purpose. Roman was using his pocket world, his room of pure imagination, to contain Remus.

Roman wasn't cruel, he wasn't planning on treating Remus horribly, but he couldn't very well allow him to have free reign of the place. He had obviously shown he had the intent to harm Virgil. The pocket dimension was strongest when Roman was in the room. He had to keep himself locked in here as a prisoner if he were to do the same to Remus.

Opening the door he was surprised to see Deceit. "What are you doing here?"

Deceit rolled his eyes. "We have a new person in the house, I am curious."

"It probably would not be a good idea, Dee," They had never actually gotten his real name. Though Roman could respect some desire for secrecy in a world that openly persecuted creatures with magical powers, it did seem strange that in all the time Dee had been with them, he had not once offered up his true name. It wasn't like any of them were fairies.

"I'm sure I can handle an evil version of you. You aren't that strong."

Roman took mild offense to this but knew it was just in the snake's nature. Had he been kinder all of those years ago, maybe Deceit wouldn't have tried to protect himself by breaking their family apart. "Just for a short while."

"Besides, if I am watching him it means you can go see the cat. I am aware that you want to."

Roman bit his lip, of course, he wanted to see Virgil. Even if Virgil hadn't been his soulmate, they had formed a friendship over the years and Roman was going crazy without him. Patton has openly shown his grief, and for a time Logan locked himself away. Roman had had to be the strong one in the group, but that didn't mean he had missed Virgil any less. Many nights he had found himself unable to sleep, plagued with nightmares of what might have happened to his beloved.

"The safeguards I have set up in that room will be good for 10 minutes. I will be back in 5." Roman let Deceit into the room and led him to the door which opened to his pocket imagination dimension.

"Five minutes for interrogation, that's plenty of time." Deceit whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes. Roman didn't seem to hear it. He closed the door after Dee went in, and quickly left his room. He just wanted to catch a glimpse of Virgil, just to make sure he was safe.

Roman peaked in and saw Patton gently stroking a black cat. If you looked carefully at his fur he had streaks of deep plum which sparkled in the sunlight. Roman loved Virgil in his cat form, though he loved him in any form. Roman had always found Virgil aesthetically appealing, but their relationship had had a rocky start. He didn't want to think about that. If he thought about the rough patches he and Virgil started with, he would worry that it would happen all over again.

"Alright kiddo, I'll start at the beginning." Roman smiled. He loved this story. Patton had told it so often while Virgil was gone that Roman had it memorized. It wasn't a very long story, not the first part at least, so Roman closed his eyes and listened.

"I was just a young kiddo back then. I had just turned ten and I was supposed to find a familiar. My parents had always told me that I would be able to summon one when I turned 12, but no matter how hard I tried nothing came forward. At first, I was devastated. A familiar is an extension of your soul, for most people, it's like having a child of their own, but for every witch, it is, without a doubt, like having another family member." He smiled as he continued to pet Virgil's head.

"A few days after my birthday, I was out in the forest gathering herbs for potions and such. That's when I found you. You were covered in cuts and scrapes, your clothes were all ratty and torn and as soon as I held my hand out to you, you collapsed and flinched. I knew at that moment that I would protect you." Patton's smile dropped. What an amazing job he had done so far.

"I took you home and began to patch you up, you had the most beautiful fur I had ever seen, and you still do." Patton sighed, "when you woke up, I asked if you wanted to stay with me forever. You were hesitant at first, but through love and pancakes, I slowly gained your trust. You let me mark you as my famIliar." He smiled, waiting for Virgil to express comments or concerns. It was a comfortable silence until Patton saw something shiny and gold filtering through the air. He wasn't able to catch it or stop it as the thread went into Virgil's heart. The light crawled up his body until his eyes flashed yellow.

~Virgil's POV~

I remember.

AN: I have kind of decided on this alternating style, where every other chapter will focus more on a third-person view of someone else, and in between that will be a first-person view from Virgil's perspective. I hope you all have liked it and enjoy it. If not please let me know. I'm not married to the idea, though I have enjoyed it so far. I have the next chapter written but it needs some heavy editing because I don't like the way it flows. 

Have a great day!

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