~*~ Chapter 27 - A Choice ~*~

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TW: Abuse, blood, use of a gun, mentions of past abuse, death, Remus. Like I said it's going to get rough, but we are almost out of it, I promise.

"Heel monster." The words echoed in Virgil's head like a bouncy ball slamming against the walls of a small room.




But he wasn't a monster, he was someone worthy of love. Wasn't that what Patton and Roman had been trying to show him the past few weeks? Wasn't that what Logan had told him years ago before all of this broke him again. Virgil felt the war in his mind clawing at him, the memories of his beatings vividly coming to the surface. For two years he had felt the whip dig into his skin as he was reminded of how useless he was. For two years he was told he was a monster, but there were people who loved him. He wasn't a monster!

"NO!" Virgil shouted, standing his ground and looking up at the man who had tormented him all of his life. "I am not a monster, I am not your property, I am Virgil, and I am worthy of love."

His father's scowl grew deeper as he snapped his fingers. Virgil flinched. This was nothing more than a scare tactic. He wasn't afraid of anything this man could do to him. He had been through all of it before, he had the scars to prove he was a survivor, but that wasn't what he should fear. Heavy footfalls fell on the stage and Virgil turned to look at Patton and Roman, both too weak to fight. Patton was barely conscious and Roman hadn't moved since they came in. They wouldn't be able to go against the man who was now walking towards them, a gun in his hand.

"It looks as if you need to be reminded of your place, Monster." He took a step forward, getting closer to Virgil as Remus laughed in the background.

"I hope he kills the fluffy-haired one, how much damage would that do to our little kitten?" Virgil was too focused on his father, he didn't see the glare that Dante shot Remus.

"Killing the witch might be a good idea, but I think I'm going to let you choose." He grabbed Virgil by his jaw, forcing the neko to look at him. "You will return to me, you will obey, and I will only kill one of them." His black eyes pierced into Virgil's own. The confidence that Virgil had managed to gather was gone now. He was once again shaking under the hand of this man, but he wouldn't give up.

"Now choose."

The room was silent for much too long. Virgil was fighting against the noise in his head. Part of him wanted to succumb, wanted to listen to this man and behave. The other part of him stood strong, a voice of reason amongst the chaos. "No" he whispered.


"That's right, I said no!" His voice shook with his body and there was fear in his eyes, but he stood tall. He wasn't going to bow to this man. Virgil went to claw at him but the taser was shoved into his side, causing him to howl in pain and drop to the floor. He still wouldn't choose.

"I could kill both for your disobedience," Virgil's already broken breath hitched, "but that is a waste of product." His eyes turned to Dante, "Snake, you want your freedom. I know you were never one for the cage, so a bargain, your freedom, and in exchange, you tell me which one he would hate to lose more."

"Dante please..." Patton's voice was weak as he called out. He wasn't sure what Patton wanted, what Patton was asking for, but Dante immediately knew there was only one answer that he could give. He did what he did so well, faking confidence, holding his body still despite his fear.

"I think this is worth more than just my freedom. The human comes with."

"Fine, fine," The man said, waving the taser in the air, "The human goes with you. Now answers!"

"And you won't come after us ever again."

The man growled, pointing the taser towards Deceit, "You are on thin ice, boy."

"I'm not betraying my brother without that assurance."

"Yes, you and the human go free and I won't come after you, now, I want an answer." His voice spiked near the end, spending a shiver down the spine of those who could still react.

"The angel."

Everyone in the room froze, a wicked smile slowly curling on to their captor's face. "Well, you heard it."

The man on the stage began walking towards Roman, the barrel of the gun pressed to the angel's head.

"No, please no." Virgil scrambled to get up, but his body refused to move. Roman was unconscious, he wasn't even going to have the chance to say goodbye.

"This is your punishment, monster!" The man kicked Virgil hard in the ribs before grabbing him by the hair and pulling him up, forcing him to watch. "If you had behaved, you could have chosen the other one."



He couldn't lose Roman. Not after he had just found him. Virgil struggled against his weak body, the feeling of electricity still tensing every muscle in his system. He had to stop this. He had to save Roman.

The sound pierced his ears, his eyes closed tightly. He couldn't.

"Well as fun as this was..." Remus was now on the stage. The other man's hand was pointed towards the ceiling dust falling from the new hole. Roman was unconscious but still very much alive.

"I think you missed one very important point, Sir..." with one flourish of his wrist, the goon on the stage who had been sent to kill Roman was now screaming in pain, his hand no longer attached to his body as the shadows began to rip him apart.

"The Angel belongs to me." Remus took the severed hand off of the gun. He started to disassemble it, looking down the barrel. "Human toys are so fascinating." He tossed the pieces of the gun around the stage so that it couldn't easily be reassembled, completely disregarding the dying man.

"Sure his head would look beautiful on a spike in my garden, but I'm not done having fun with him yet, also shooting him would just ruin that." Remus sat on the edge of the stage, "so you can't have him." Stretching with a fake yawn, he turned with a twisted smile.

"You know, this place was getting kind of boring anyway. My little Deci over there had a fun idea." The shadows began to curl around the room, deepening in their darkness. "Let's tear the building down shall we." The shadows shifted and constricted, almost as if they were alive. "Deci, I suggest you get whoever you want to save out of here."

The chains around Patton and Roman were broken as both fell to the floor. "This place has been a buffet of misery, and I plan on really letting loose."

Dante stood up, helping Logan stand as well. He wasn't sure how he was going to get everyone out, but he knew that Remus was joking. One of Remus's strongest traits was his complete and utter honesty.

AN: Are you all Okay my lovelies? Still with me? Tell me if you need anything, cookies, a blanket, a soft movie. I love all of you!

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