"Not Really Dead" by @sport

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Normally, sports are anything but scary, but as proven by film scenes such as the boxing match decapitation in "Friday the 13th Part 8", the javelin death scene in "Fatal Games" or the deadly basketball game in "Deadly Friend", they can be a great writing combination.

As part of the multi-profile Halloween Vault events, sport is excited to present our writing contest: Not Really Dead! 

Not a writer? Scroll down for our scavenger hunt?

Not a writer? Scroll down for our scavenger hunt?

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The prompt

The month of October brings more than just chilly weather, more like chills down your spine. Write a scary story, featuring a sport(er) and including the following dialogue:
"I thought you were dead."


- The contest will end on November 7th, 2019 and winners will be announced the first week of December.

- Your text must be between 200 and 500 words.

- All entries must feature a sport / athlete / sporter, have a Halloween / scary / spooky / horror theme and the following dialogue:
"I thought you were dead."

- The story must be new to Wattpad, either posted as a new book or a new chapter in an already existing book of yours.

- All entries must be in English. Pay attention to your grammar and spelling to make sure your story is understandable and accessible.

- All stories must adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines.

- A limit of an entry per user can be entered by submitting it through this link: 


The best entries will be added to our Front Runner anthology right here on this profile.

The chapter will be dedicated to the writer and all copyright remains the ownership of the author.

Entries will also get a Halloween Vault Hunter sticker for their book cover/chapter media, shout outs from the profile and a mention in our other stories.

Scavenger hunt

Your clue: AS Roma has forbidden their players to take a photo with him.

Go to the sport profile, look through our books (Game Plan and Press Room excluded) for a chapter that fits and submit the title of the chapter here: 


We are waiting for you and if you leave the locker room and turn off the light... don't look back.

 don't look back

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