Chapter 50

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Pulling up to our house, I'm relieved to be home. Vacation was nice but the mundane has become my new fantasy. Life with family is all I want. The house seems unsettled as I unbuckle the children and Carlin gets out of the Uber. Taking our bags up to the doo,r she tosses me the keys because I'm a bit ahead of her and the kids are basically pressed up against the door in anticipation of their toys. It's like it's Christmas and they can't wait to rip everything open. The bottom is locked but the top isn't. Strange.

The moment the door is open, they try to fly around me but I'm paralyzed. " Daddy, who is that?" Alaina's scrunched up confused face looks up at me while taking her brother's hand. Lounging on the couch is none other than the demon herself. Lori. I never realized how unattractive she was or rather compared to Carlin, she's like a toad. Her clearly doctored nose is pointed up and her eyes are a muddled brown color that looks almost like a murky swamp. The fire red lipstick she has on is overapplied and going beyond the barriers of her lips. Her two top front teeth are different sizes and if you stare long enough it almost distracts you from how straw like her hair looks from trying to keep it blonde. The only thing she'd have going for her is the brand of clothes she wears although too tight and small for her.

" Kids go to your room, please. Straight there. No stops." They are as obedient as always but Alaina peers back visibly concerned. I don't know what's going through her little head but she can feel the anxiety bouncing off my body.

Any second Carlin is going to walk in. She's going to see her and she's going to kick me out. I'll never see any of my children ever again and I'll lose her. I'll lose Carlin for good. "Cozy place you have here. Not as nice as your last one but I guess its homey." Lori is smiling from ear to ear. How she managed to find me is absolutely baffling but how she managed to get in Carlin's house is even more perplexing.

I can feel her presence behind me and the small falter in Lori's smile confirms she's there. I still can't move. " Get out... get out!" Carlin's voice is small and meek at first before booming through the room. How am I going to convince her to let me stay? My shoulders slump because I knew this would happen. It looks so bad but I need to fix it. What can I say to get her to let me stay? What can I say to make her believe I didn't plan this?

" Get the fuck out of our house!" My eyes are nearly out of their sockets as they swing to Carlin who is now by my side. She's not talking to me. She isnt telling me to get out. She told Lori to get out of our house. Our house. " How dare you show up at our house and break in when we aren't even here! Get your sleazy ass off our couch and get the fuck out." There is pure rage in her voice and I take a risk grabbing her hand to rub her knuckles.

" You're just going to let her talk to me that way, Jake? This whore you shacked up with? Do all three even have the same father?" Carlin's hand squeezes mine tightly but before I can answer her wrath does again.

" All four of them are Jake's and I'm going to be his wife so I suggest you step the fuck back before you have to be embarrassed getting your ass kicked by a pregnant woman. " I step between them facing Carlin and cup her cheek. She needs to remain calm as best she can for the babies.

Speaking in a hushed tone, my thumb brushes along her cheekbone. " I got this, Sweets. Take all of my babies and go out back, okay? I promise I'll get rid of her as fast as possible." She kisses me sweetly and even if it is for show to make Lori even more jealous than she probably already is, I'll take it. My hand skims her bump as she walks toward the twin's room to take them outside.

One over plucked brow raises as she lifts herself off the couch. " Ahh... the infamous Sweets. Getting married are ya? I don't recall you ever mentioning that while you plowed your..."

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