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Harley stared at the river flowing underneath him, his eyes empty as he contemplates whether it would be best if he died through drowning. He wasn't sure if Harith approved of the idea, but if he meant nothing to him, then that would mean his death would be okay, right? All he needed to do left was to figure out how he wanted to die, and he decided that maybe jumping off a bridge would be the best idea.

However, somewhere in the back of his head, he could hear a small voice pleading, telling him not do it. He wished that he could follow what the voice wanted, but there was really no purpose of him living anymore. Harith doesn't see any worth in him, so what was the point of him being here?

"You're nothing to me now."

He would definitely be better off dead.

Thankfully, no one was standing nearby as he climbed over the rail of the stone bridge. He managed to balance himself on top of the rail, and it gave him the opportunity to take one last look at his surroundings. There was nothing that caught his interest, nothing worth remembering for, and he concluded that maybe he deserved such a boring death after being such a worthless person.

Harley took a step forward, ready to face the cold water, ready to embrace the darkness that would greet him once he loses his life. However, the moment his body leaned forward to jump, someone grabbed him by the arm, and he was suddenly being yanked off the rail.

His face collided into a hard chest, and he couldn't help but stiffen when he felt a pair of arms wrapping around him. He wanted to tilt his head up to see who it was, but the person hugging him was keeping him in place, not allowing him to move. He then decided that maybe he should remain silent, and the only thing he could hear was the person's heavy breathing.

Warmth seemed to engulf him as the person continued to embrace him, and Harley felt weird by the sensation. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like this, and the only person he could remember doing this to him was...

Slowly, he looked up, and his eyes widened when he found the last person he thought he would see.


The leonin pulled away, and Harley was startled when he was suddenly being grabbed by the shoulders. He winced when Harith's nails were close to piercing his skin. "What the hell were you trying to do, Harley?"

Harley swallowed the lump in his throat, and he forced himself to meet the leonin's gaze. Something about Harith's tone hinted that he was angry, and he blanched when he realised that the leonin was furious.

Harith's eyes were narrowed into slits, and Harley braced himself when the leonin raised his hand to strike him. But, just as he thought that he would receive a slap to his face, he only found Harith's hand lingering in the air, and his face turned baffled when the leonin suddenly grabbed his wrist before dragging him.

"Harith?" Harley called meekly. He wanted to ask where the leonin was taking him, but the tightened grip around his wrist was a warning for him to keep his mouth shut.

Within a few minutes, Harley was back at the castle, and he could slowly feel himself becoming uneasy as he passed numerous of guards. It seemed that Harith was going to punish him for his actions, and Harley should've known not to take matters into his own hands. He expected for the leonin to bring him to their room and beat him up like usual, but he was puzzled when he was suddenly being led under the castle—where the dungeons were located.

The Royal Magister 【Harith/Harley】Where stories live. Discover now