Chapter 15

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[Percy's POV]

Nico and I sit at the kitchen table. It's 4:30 A.M., and I've taken a week off of work to stay home with Nico. It's been 2 days since the incident... Nico's still a mess.

He sits across from me, an untouched cup of coffee in his hands. He's shivering, coffee splashing over the sides of his cup, leaking down his arms. It's scorching his skin, leaving red trails, but he doesn't seem to notice. His eyes are blank, staring ahead into nothing. My heart aches for him, for what he's gone through. I reach out to steady his hands, but he jumps, mug crashing to the floor. He meets my eyes, then lowers his eyes to the floor, taking in the tiny shards of glass. He scoots his chair back, carefully avoiding the glass. His bare feet find a place to stand and he bends down, sweeping the shards into his hand.

"Nico. I've got it, babe. Don't hurt yourself."

He drops the glass, sighing, and stands.

"S-Sorry." He stutters, voice unsteady. A few silent tears leak from his eyes, trailing their way down his cheeks.

I skirt the table, wrapping my arms gently around his thin shoulders. His arms hang limp at his sides, but he rests his chin on my shoulder, body shaking.

"Sorry... I'm such a fuck up."

"You are not a fuck up." I tell him. "I love you, you hear me? You are my whole world. All I need is you and our babies. Don't forget that."

He doesn't say anything. He must be tired.

"Why don't you go take a nap while I clean this up?"

He backs out of my embrace, nodding slowly.

"Yeah. Okay." He disappears down the hallway without another word.

I grab the broom and dust pan from its place, propped against the refrigerator. I crouch down, sweeping the glass into the pan. I can't help but think that it was an ugly mug anyway. I discard the glass in the garbage can, returning the broom to its place. I grab a paper towel, wetting it in the sink. I wipe down the area, making sure that there isn't any glass left. After confirming that the area is clean, I pick up my empty mug and place it in the sink, full of dirty dishes that need washed.

I decide I'll wash them while Nico's asleep, since I have nothing else to do. While I'm washing the dishes, I can't help but think about Nico. I'm really worried about him. I talked to Dr. Smith on the phone the day after the incident, while Nico was asleep. She thinks he may be experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He screams in his sleep. Has nightmares. Cries randomly. Won't eat or drink. It hurts me so much to see him like that.

I dry and put away the last dish, retreating to the couch in the living room. A nap doesn't sound too bad right now. I grab a blanket from the floor and make myself comfortable on the couch. I find myself dreaming as soon as I close my eyes.

[Nico's POV]

I've been lying on my side of Percy's bed, trying to sleep, for the past twenty minutes. I can't bring myself to close my eyes without thinking about... it. I sit up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stand and stumble to the bathroom, a sudden wave of nausea hitting hard. I bend over the toilet just in time, bile spilling from my lips. My stomach cramps painfully, trying to bring up food that isn't there. My throat feels like sandpaper. When I'm done, I crawl towards the sink, opening the cabinet under it. I grab the bottle of pepto bismol and a small paper cup. That's when something catches my eye. I open the cabinet once again, lifting the heavy bottle of liquid onto the counter. The bottle reads "Clorox" in bright red and blue letters. I ponder for a moment... Would it hurt? What would happen exactly... If I did it now? If I just drank it, to get it over with. To make the pain go away.

I put the pepto bismol back in the cabinet. I tiptoe from the bathroom, through the bedroom and down the hall into the main room, where I find Percy sound asleep on the couch. My heart constricts, thinking of Percy. What would he do if he woke up to find me dead?

I can't bear to look at him any longer. Guilt spreads through my body, heating it up, making me sweat. I return to the bathroom. My decision is made.

I push down on the cap, twisting it. I hear the child lock click, the cap loosening easily. I remove it and set it carefully on the counter. I brace my hands on the sink, taking one last look at myself in the mirror. Messy hair. Tired eyes, dark bags beneath them. Pale complexion. I hate how I look. I've always thought I was ugly... Percy must think so too. He'd be better off without me anyway. I'm just a burden, holding him back. He's probably only with me because he feels sorry for knocking me up. He couldn't ever truly love me... nobody could. I'm just a pregnant guy... A freak. I take the bleach by the handle and dump a little into the paper cup. The strong smell is in the air in no time. The chemical burns my nose, makes my eyes water. I put the cap back on the bleach, place it back under the sink. I switch off the light, grab the cup, and return to the bed.

I set the cup on my bedside table. I crawl back into the bed, propping the pillow up against the headrest. I sit up, covering my legs with the thick comforter. I take a deep breath. My last breath. I bring the cup to my lips, tilting it back quickly. The chemical burns my throat, warming my stomach immediately. I sigh contentedly, resting against the pillow. I fold my hands atop my baby bump and close my eyes, tranquility setting in.


[AN: Sorry for the short chapter! Chapter 16 should be up shortly. Can we get this to 10 votes? Pwease?]

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