Headcanons for this book(again sorry)

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Hey.This chapter is one you should like read if you want to know the headcanons in this book.So I'm sure who I'm having in the book all together.So I'm going to list some characters then my headcanons for them in this book.Ill have multiple parts as well.

Shuichi Saihara

1.Hes Transgender.(he was a girl before)

Reason:I'm doing this in my story because it's my headcanon in general.I do roleplay so this is the headcanon in my roleplay.Also he sometimes sounds and acts like a girl.Its honestly cute.

2.Him and Rantaro are best friends

Reason:In my roleplay they will fucking try killing each other when Kokichi isnt around.So I just want them to be friends.

3.He has a lot of anxiety.

Reason:In the game it confirms he has anxiety so I wanted to make it far worse like my level of anxiety.I forget stuff a lot because of this so I wanted to add that in for Shuichi because the story will need these moments to move forward.

4.Scared of abandonment

Reason:Theres a whole reason behind this and it will be shown in the story.If you guys want to tell me what you think it is then go ahead.But the idea is something I've never seen in any of the books I've read on this app for this fandom.

5.A huge book nerd

Reason:Is there really anything to say here?He loves reading books.

6.Hes bisexual

Reason:Hes mostly dated girls but like.....this is oumasai.We all know its gonna change.

7.Placeholder for later updates

Reason:Theres a lot more that I'll add on for him but this is it for now.

Kokichi Oma

1.Hes scared of almost everything

Reason:This is another thing you'll find out about in this book.But feel free to take a guess!

2.Hes gay

Reason:.........just....I dont need to justify this.

3.Hes friends with both Tenko and Himiko

Reason:I always thought when I saw these three they should be friends.Like they support the other or they just tell each other stuff that makes them feel uncomfortable.

4.DICE is a thing.

Reason:For this I thought instead of robbing and doing pranks that they actually just hang out and but stuff to give to orphanages and kids on the streets because some understand what they went though.


Reason:This is confusing until I explain it.When he finds someone of interest he calls them a nickname.This has to do with the next headcanon.

6.Speech impediment

Reason:I kinda wanted to do this because he did used to act like pregame who studders a lot which is apart of this.So I was thinking he couldn't say certain things right which is why he uses nicknames instead.

7.Severe depression and a bit of anxiety

Reason:As you say in my other book Kokichi has his moments.So this will show more of that.Sorry


Reason:He does waaaaaaay too many pranks but its because he wants people to be happy and less stressed.But sometimes he doesn't know when it's too far.You'll find out more about why he cant figure out right or wrong.

Thanks for reading part 1.See you soon.

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