Our first meeting | Cht. 1

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Shuichi's POV

The bell rings for the last time today. Another day of classes are done.I look out the window one last time before getting out of my sit.I look around the room to see everyone gone but one person.Kokichi Oma.Hes been sleeping through all our classes.No one really cares about him that much I've noticed.Hes almost always alone.He eats lunch alone most the time,he walks back to his dorm alone,and even during the weekends when I see him on the street hes by himself.

I've always wanted to talk to Oma.Me and him have never talked to each other.Wait if we've never talked then this is my chance to talk to him.Its a Friday afternoon which means we have the option to go back to our homes.I usually go to my dorm since my uncle is never around when I go back home.I need to stop thinking too much.Everyone is gone but us.You can do ths,Shuichi.I walk over to Oma and tap his shoulder.

"Wake me up later,mother.....you'll just make me watch you,father,and big brother eat again...." I hear him mumble.What does that mean?Is he joking?I tap his shoulder.To my surprise Oma sat up and yawned."This isnt home.." "We're at school,Oma-kun.Its the end of the day." I tell him.He jumps out of his chair and falls on the floor.He backs himself up against a wall and look at me.Hes blushing a lot.I think to myself.

"S-Saihara-chan!?What are you doing here!?" Oma yells at me.The yelling didn't affect me.But he said chan.That hit me hard.The truth is I'm transgender male.If dont understand what that means.Basically I was born a female but I decided to become a male.Im really uncomfortable with my body.I mean I wear a binder.But I did get the surgery so I got something down there.But I dont go to gym like everyone else.Well I go sometimes but not enough.Well no one knows about me being trans.I've been like this since I was ten.My Uncle Ben is a nice man at heart.The point is when Oma said "Saihara-chan" that really felt weird.

"Earth to Saihara-chan!" I hear Oma yell my name.I look at him."Sorry Oma-kun.I spaced out." "Its okay I guess.....why did you bother talking to me anyway?" "C-cause you were sleeping and I didn't want the janitors to think you were breaking into the school because you were sleeping.." "Oh.....thank you then,Saihara-chan." He told me.

I smile at him."Not a problem,Oma-kun." I tell him.We stand there for about a good five minutes just looking at each other.I've never noticed how big Oma's school uniform was on him until now.His hair is a bit messy from him sleeping.And that scarf of his doesn't match our school uniform at all.But it's a cute little touch.Plus he has some freckles on his face which are extremely cute.Wait did I call him cute?No I cant call him that.Im supposed to be finding a girlfriend.By the end of this month for my uncle.Ive had so many girlfriends but they never work out.I snap out of of my thoughts when I hear Oma speak."Sorry to bother you.I should get going,Saihara-chan." He says as he picks up his bag."I was nice talking to you but you should go hang out with your friends." He tells me as he starts walking towards the door.

"Wait Oma-kun." I call for him.He turns around and look at me."Hm?" "I uhhhhhh......" "Take your time." "I was wondering if you ummmm.......were free tomorrow..." I say.He looks at me shocked.Has no one ever asked him to hang out on the weekends?"Yeah I'm free tomorrow...and like everyday for that matter.What do you have in mind?" "Oh I-" "You didn't think ahead did you,Saihara-chan?" "You got me.....I didn't expect you to say yes...." I admit to him."It makes sense.We've never actually talked one on one before have we?" He ask me.I just nod.I've never asked anyone to hang out with me before.People always ask me to hang out."Well let's do this the correct way shall we?" He says as he walks over to me.He holds his hand out.

"I'm Kokichi Oma.A third year in class one fifthy-three of Hopes Peak Academy.I'm seventeen years old.The talent given to me was Supreme Leader.I run a group called DICE and it has over ten thousand members.It's nice to met you." He says.My smile becomes even bigger."I'm Shuichi Saihara.A third year in class one fifthy-three of Hopes Peak Academy.I'm seventeen.The talent given to me by this school is Detective.I'm only in training but I do my best to make everyone proud and the pleasure is mine." I say and shake his hand.His hand are so small.

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