1. Prologue

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If you have read this published elsewhere....please tell me as I only posted it here on wattpad.

Some stories do have Trigger Warnings....
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Pink Angel~

Off Limits
Written and Published 2022


The world is split into three classes. These classes that separate our society.
Once you are born, you are either raised in the world of the highest standings.
Or looked down upon by others.

Alpha, Beta or Omega

With just one word at your birth. It can change your entire life forever.


The day I met Eren I don't think I could ever forget.

I was eighteen years old and I finally found this apartment to rent. I have been looking for some time for a place, but most were too expensive for a man just out of school. I had no family, so I couldn't rely on anyone taking me in. Not like I would have asked them too anyways. I would have rather lived on the streets. That is just who I am.

Anyways, back to the point of me telling you all this.

The building I was moving into isn't in the best area to live. Gangs and drug dealers roam the streets, especially after dark. Because of this undesired location, the rooms are pretty cheap to rent. Not many want to live in such a dangerous area. I could care less though. I am tough and I can beat up anyone who tries to harm me.

My two friends from school, Erwin and Hanji, were helping me move the boxes into the apartment from Erwin's car. These two are fun, however sometimes annoying as fuck. Over half the time I want to murder them with my own two hands. They are dating, and they just love to piss me off by making out in front of me.

But once again that doesn't matter. I'm here to tell you how I met the little Brat.

After all my belongings were in the room, my friends drove off and left me alone to settle in. I walked out the front door and looked around the building to take in the shitty sight it beheld. It almost looked like a motel type building. Each unit opened right up to outside, with three floors to the building. And then that was when I heard a young voice start yelling.

"No. NO BATH!"

I jumped startled as I glanced around hearing the door open next to me. He wasn't watching where he was going, and this little boy ran outside his apartment unit. Running right into my legs, causing him to fall backwards onto his ass. I stared down at him with an amused smile on my lips. His hair was brown and shaggy, and he looked up to me blinking his bright turquoise eyes. I admit, he had beautiful eyes. But it was the fact this kid was completely buck ass naked, now that made me laugh.

"EREN!" I watched a young, beautiful lady run from the same unit. She had the same brown hair, but much longer then he did, as hers fell mid way down her back. "How many times have I told you! Don't run outside like that! It isn't safe!"

"NO BATH!" He whined out, as I am assuming his mother walked over and picked up the whining brat. "NO! NO BATH!"

"Forgive me. I hope he didn't bother you. I'm Carla, Carla Jaeger. Are you our new neighbour?" She smiled softly towards me, and I knew instantly she was an omega, the same as me.

Nodding my head and holding out a hand towards her, she held her son on her hip and shook it. "Ackerman, Levi Ackerman." I glanced at the whining kid as he made a fuss and tried to get out of his mothers arms. "And who is the little streaker?" I chuckled at my own words as she shook her head in amusement.

"This is my son Eren. Eren, be nice and say hello to your new neighbour Levi."

I watched him blink his teary eyes and looked at me in awe, before hiding his face into his mothers neck. "Hewwo." He whispered quietly.

"Ah he can be a little shy at first."

I nod as I look at him and grin. "So I hear you are having bath time now huh?"

He shook his head no and pouted. "No bath, don't want bath." His legs start kicking and I can see she has her hands full with this little brat.

"Why not though? How old are you, Eren?"

"Baths for babies. I'm no baby. I'm dis many." He then held up three fingers.

"Well I'm eighteen and I was just about to have a bath too you know." That was a lie, but hey if it helps the kid bathe, then why not? "I love baths. You can splash softly in the water, play with toys. There are bubbles all around you to blow at." His turquoise eyes sparkled and lit up.

"Bubbles? I bath with Levi, and blow bubbles!"

I hear a sigh from Carla and glance at her. "Ahh I don't have any bubble bath for him to use."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps your husband could pick some up on his way home from work?" Watching her face grow sad, I regret saying that in understanding. "My apologies." So she is a single mother, raising this kid on her own and working. I watched Eren try to reach out to me.

"I bath with Levi!!"

"Eren. I will not have you bathing with someone you just met. Come now, the water will be getting cold. Sorry again Levi."


"Another time, brat. Okay? But listen to your mom and have a nice hot bath tonight."

Watching Carla smile at me, she carried her naked son back inside only for me to chuckle.

"Such a brat."

Whenever I am upset or sad, I think back to this one memory and smile. I still can't get over the fact that he ran outside buck ass nude to escape his bath. I could sense it on him that day. He is an Alpha, must have taken it after his dad. But since moving in I couldn't have asked for a better neighbour then Carla and her son.

Carla is a caring lady. She works night shifts at the hospital as a nurse. She raises her son on her own. While working she takes Eren with her, where they have a work daycare for kids. He sleeps most of his nights there while she works, then wakes up back in his bed at home.

She is caring towards me as well. She learned I have no family, and she has even made meals for me at times. Carla invites me over for dinner all the time as well, and well, it makes me feel like I have a home.

It has been two years now since I moved in next door to the Jaeger's. I am twenty years old, and I work at this diner not far from where I live. It's a short walk there so that isn't too bad.

What of the Brat? Well he is five now, and whenever he sees me he runs and hugs my leg then refuses to let go. Seriously, he clung onto me so tightly one evening, that I had to walk around with him on my leg.

However one day Carla was a wreck, the hospital she works at closed the day care, saying they didn't have the funds to run it any further. She was upset since she can't afford to send Eren to real daycare, or to pay a babysitter nightly.

Hearing this I instantly offered for Eren to come to my unit every night. She felt bad about tying down my evenings, but I can't help it. Eren brightens up my mood. The brat loves me. It's not a bad deal. I work during the day, then I babysit Eren most evenings.

I never usually get close to anyone. Carla however was so nice to me, and Eren. Well damn this Brat is dear to me. I would do anything for these two. To me they aren't just neighbours, no they are family.


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