First Night Out

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It was after school and late in the evening when Wendy brought it up to Curtis. She came home with him to spend the afternoon talking and hanging out, as was normal for them. They'd both been a little unsure of what exactly to do going forward after the kiss they shared a few nights ago. Then there was his self-outing regarding his newfound oddity. Subconsciously, he'd taken to referring to it as his 'superpower', already thinking of himself like a comic book character.

He was lying flat on his bed, head propped up on several pillows. Wendy was perpendicular to him with her head on his knees looking up at the ceiling. They were both just listening to the music she had playing on her phone when she suddenly turned it off. Curtis opened his eyes and she had propped herself up on her elbow.

"Do you...want to be my boyfriend?" She came right out with it. "Uh...isn't that sort of already what I am? I mean—we kissed at your house. I sort of thought that's what that meant."

"I mean, I guess—but it's not official until we make it that."

Curtis thought about it and nodded, "I guess that makes sense."

"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?"


"Great," she smiled and immediately climbed on top of him to kiss him. Curtis embraced it, and was enjoying the moment when she took his hand and held it. He didn't really know what she was doing until she brought it up and he felt her put it on her breast. Curtis took his hand back and pulled his head away from hers. "What are you doing?" He asked softly.

"I...don't know. But I'm pretty sure this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do."

Curtis gently rolled her off him so they were side by side. "You don't have to do that."

She blushed, "I...I looked it up. This is what I'm supposed to do."

"Well—we don't have to do that right now if you don't want to."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah," Curtis nodded, "we can still kiss, though."

"Okay." They continued to kiss until they were interrupted half a minute later by knocking on the door. They quickly parted as Curtis's mother entered.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hi, Honey."

"Hello, Mrs. Walker."

"Hi, Wendy. I just need to know, are you staying for dinner?"

"I was planning on it."

Mrs. Walker smiled, "Great then. It'll be ready in an hour." She closed the door and Curtis could hear her walking back downstairs. He turned to Wendy, "You know, I'm sure our parents wouldn't mind if we just came out and told them we want to be a couple."

"I know," Wendy nodded, "I just don't think I want to tell them yet. My dad, he means well...he's just very protective...he would prefer if I didn't date for a while longer."

"I don't want to be with someone else. We've already been friends for a long time, and I like you."

"I like you, too," Wendy replied. Curtis took her hand, "I don't want to feel like we have to hide. It's not some secret to be shameful of."

"I'm not ashamed, I'm proud. I just don't think we should tell our parents yet. We will, I promise." Curtis agreed. Although he didn't think it was a big deal, he wanted to respect her wishes, "Fine."

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