Gang War

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It didn't take very long to find where the Lords of Chicago and the Death Riders were going to have their fight. Creed parked his car a block down from endless gunfire. He and Skye followed the sounds of combat to the next street. They stayed low and out of sight while they took stock of the scene.

The two gangs had clashed in the middle of the street, they were using parked cars, mailboxes, the corners of buildings, and whatever other cover they could as they fired back and forth at each other.

It was hard to get exact numbers, but it looked to Creed like the LoCs were losing. The Death Riders had brought at least twenty guys by the number of bikes. And according to the man Skye interrogated, the LoCs had about a dozen.

Creed spotted two dead Death Riders by a red sedan on the east side of the street. They hadn't even had the chance to get off their bikes before they were filled with bullets. Over behind a fire hydrant was another Death Rider, he had tried to get a flanking position on the LoCs, but they'd spotted him first and gunned him down.

Creed watched as a pair of living Death Riders with shotguns snuck around behind a row of street parked cars to get at a few LoCs behind a van. One of the LoCs spotted them and fired a flurry of rounds at them with a Beretta 93R pistol.

One of the Death Riders tried to fire back, but only managed to hit the side mirror and windshield of the van before he went down. His friend returned fire in anger and a bullet went through the front windshield, out the driver side window, and into the Lord of Chicago. Blood sprinkled the ground and the body thumped onto the asphalt.

"You sure you're ready?" Creed asked. Skye's response was the icing over of her arms. "Same deal as last time, I need at least one of those guys alive. Stay back here, go for shots if you have them, but don't leave this spot."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to resolve this."

Before Creed could do so much as warn her to be careful, she leapt over the fence and was gone. Creed had his P210 ready and waited for solid shots. An LoC was reloading behind a yellow pick-up truck close to the fence, Creed took aim and put a bullet through the man's neck. He dropped his weapon and clutched at his throat as he bled out.

Creed moved along the fence to his right and searched for another target. Another LoC was keeping a few Death Riders at bay with two 93Rs. Creed aimed for the man's chest and squeezed the trigger, a split-second later the man dropped one of his machine-pistols and clutched at his side. He turned and saw Creed, but he didn't get a chance to raise his other gun, Creed shot him again square in the chest and he was down.

Creed was struggling to get any good shots now; he couldn't see Skye and he was starting to feel useless there. He stuffed his P210 into his waistband and hopped onto the fence, getting over the top as quickly as possible and down behind a truck. He had twelve rounds left, plenty to go around. They needed to even the odds a little, or the Death Riders were going to wipe the LoCs out. They still had almost fifteen guys while the LoCs only had about eight.

Creed stayed low and went along the line of cars, peeking around the corner at the end. A Death Rider was running that way and immediately saw him, Creed sent him to the ground.

Skye dove for cover behind one of the Death Rider bikes. She waited for a break in the crossfire and bolted. She came up behind a Death Rider hiding behind a hatchback and hit him with a cold blast. His friend noticed her and pointed his gun, but Skye ducked and swept his legs out from under him. She jumped up and kicked him hard and froze him to the ground.

She cartwheeled across a gap between two vehicles and jumped onto another Death Rider. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled back with all her might to make him fall, she flipped him over and drove him face first to the street. He reached into his pocket for a weapon and Skye spread a layer of ice all around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides.

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