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Alex kept looking, but the place was big. Even with sunlight streaming in and making it a little brighter, it did not make it much easier to find her sisters. She was just pushing through a set of double doors when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She whirled around, fists at the ready, jumping back, only to see Audrey standing there, her camouflage fading away.

"Damn, you scared the crap outta' me!"

"Sorry," Audrey said, straightening her glasses, "Did you find Alyssa?"


"What about Stavish or Bowden?"

"I found Bowden."


"Uh...hell, I hope, if there is such a place. I killed him."

"Oh...okay." There was a bit of awkward silence between the two before Audrey interjected, "Let's find Lys, huh?"

"Yeah, the sooner we can finish this up, the better."


Alex felt better having Audrey there. it was kind of dumb, really, but there was something that creeped her out about an old factory full of machinery abandoned for the night.

They proceeded through another set of double doors into a different area of the factory, this looked to be the area where fish was brought in. There were loading doors where Alex presumed trucks would bring supply in for the cannery to take.

Audrey spotted them first. She pointed to the floor below where all the machines were. Alyssa was there, with Stavish standing only twenty feet from her. "We need to get down there!" Audrey said.

Alex climbed over the railing and hanged by one hand as low as she could get. Audrey climbed over the rail and took Alex's other hand, Alex lowered Audrey as far as she could and let her go. Audrey landed on the ground and Alex dropped after, not bothered by the nearly ten-foot drop to the hard ground.

They joined their sister's side in confronting the man who had taken so much from all of them, forced them to do things they never would have done otherwise. This is it, the end of the line.

Stavish found himself facing a solid wall, he was backed into a corner. "Nowhere to go, Stavish," Alyssa said. "Now it's over, you're done."

When he turned around, Alex could see blood trickling from his forehead. He held one arm like it had been injured. She didn't know what to expect from this man once he realized he had lost, but it wasn't this. Aside from the slightly pained look she attributed to his injuries, he otherwise seemed completely calm. Perhaps it was part of the charismatic cult leader shtick, but it was still off putting.

"I'll give you ladies this, you're remarkably persistent. I never thought it would come this far. Figured either you'd have gone on the run, been killed, or just given up, but..." he glanced back at the wall blocking him, "it looks like I'm the one who's lost."

"It's what you deserve," Alyssa replied, "all your life, you've always gotten your way. You need to know what it's like to not get what you want, to not succeed."

Stavish frowned, "Of all the women I've been with, why I am cursed to love the only one who doesn't love me back?"

He really does love her. It's not some act to get her back, he knows that's not going to happen. He really, truly, is in love with her.

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