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I've never had this much fun flying a plane. Me, Enoch and Lorelei will probably be fired after this so why not have fun right now. We were approaching Bright air fields so I pushed the plane higher and higher until we were above the clouds.

Then our radio came on.

"Falcon 3 you are requested to go back to base. You are entering enemy territory. You are not authorized to fly this vehicle." The lady said.

"What do you think, Enoch? Do you think we should go back to base?" I asked him.

"Nah." He laughed.

I turned on the radio.

"Turn around right now or risk having your flying license suspended." She warned.

"Suck my dick!" Enoch yelled over the engine.

Lorelei, Enoch and I burst into laughter. Our laughter died out as soon as we got shot at though.

"You should fly now. You are better at dodging anyway." I tell him.

It really is true. Enoch is better at dodging but I'm a better flyer, obviously.

Enoch pulled a sharp turn and Lorelei let out a yelp from the cargo hold.

"Enoch chill out. Don't kill Lorelei before we save Elijah." I scolded him.


"Lorelei hold onto something. You might pass out or something." Enoch tell her.

"Oh Lord." She groans.

Enoch pushed the plane higher and higher. I know what he is doing and he was right. Lorelei might pass out or throw up. Or both simultaneously. We are going higher than that should have been possible.

"Lorelei are you doing okay back there?" I ask her.

"I'll be fine." She muttered.

"Good because it's about to get a lot worse" Enoch smiled.

I elbowed his side.

"I mean you'll be fine." He groaned.

Then he did the thing he is famous in flight camp for. He cut the engine and we were free falling. I've done this three times with him and I've passed out twice doing it and the first time I was already sleeping. That was a weird day for us all.

Black spots were dancing at the edges of my vision and I almost passed out. Then the engine roared back to life. Then I realized something. I hadn't passed out.

"Hey look. You're not dead." Enoch smirked.

"Yea I guess not." I smiled.

Lorelei however was out cold.

"Hey Enoch you know I would never not trust you but why aren't we pulling up?" I was worried now.

"You'll see." He smirked.

Alright now I'm worried. I mean I love Enoch to death but he has a tendency to go a little insane while flying. Then we did something I never thought humanly possible. We flew the Freaking jet plane through the tunnel and didn't die.

"Oh My God! We're in a tunnel. Why are we in a tunnel?!" Lorelei screamed.

"She's not dead so that's good." Enoch noticed.

We flew through the city and landed.

"Do we have a PA?" Lorelei asked Enoch.


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