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After going to all my classes I became exhausted from the huge amount of work that I've done. It's already time to head to bed and I can finally rest and forget about everything going on.

In the distance I saw Draco coming up to me and I felt too tired to even move his arm away, as he wrapped it around my shoulders."Y/n, you forget something?" Draco said with a obvious tone as if I had something important to do but forgotten.

"Ummm what? I did all my homework, finished all my class work and fed my owl. Is there anything else I was meant to do?" Just as I said that it hit me. "OMG DETENTION WITH PROFESSOR SNAPE!! How could I forget! He's going to kill me!! I'll see you around Draco." I swatted his arm away as he started to giggle in a draco way, but I didn't have time to say anything witty, so I just waved Draco off and ran straight to the dungeons to get into a familiar class room where doom was already waiting for me.

When I got to the door I stopped and straightend out my robes so I look somewhat presentable and not like a monkey that ran around the entire place, which technically was what I did minus the monkey of course.

I knocked and heard a annoyed voice answer me back. "Come in." Let's hope he's not in one of his bad moods, which he seems to be as, as soon as I enter he glares right at me, which sends a shiver down my spine.

"Miss L/n I believe you are late. Where have you been? What could be more important than attending a detention for not paying attention? Hmmm I'm all ears."

I swallow with uneasiness not sure if I should tell the truth or not, but seeing as he is it's probably better to lie instead. I'm hoping he doesn't catch me out that im lying which is highly likely."Professor I'm sorry but I've just finished my class in defence against the dark arts, which caused me to be late."

He stared and stared carefully thinking through what i said untill finally a annoyed sigh came out. "I see....those cauldrons over there need cleaning, so get to it."

Well this is going to be one hell of a boring detention after all it is the all mighty Professor of boredom, but I may as well get this over and done with before he says anything else that digs me a deeper hole.

"Ah one more thing...Detention for a entire month Miss L/n." I stared at him in disbelief, it's as if I just jinxed myself by even mentioning that something worse can happen."And what exactly is this detention for professor?"

"For....lying of course. Did you think I'm stupid enough to believe in your little lie. Now get on with the cleaning and do not disturb me or I'll make it 3 months."

Wow. Just wow. An entire month wasted on this guy. What am I meant to do for this entire month clean all his couldrons and satisfy all his selfish needs. It's true that he's my favourite teacher, but there are times like these that really make me want to punch him in that pretty face of his. I mumbled quietly to myself as anger was bubbling inside me.


"What was that Miss l/n?" He asked with a raised brow making me uncertain whether he actually heard me or not. God help me I hope he didn't there is no way I'm doing a month or even 3 months of detention.

"H-huh oh nothing." I turned away from his gaze as it burned into my back and carried on cleaning the damn couldrons. This is going to be a long detention.


After I cleaned the damn couldrons I looked at them all aligned on the shelves and felt somewhat proud that I managed to accomplish that, but at the same time my hands ached from the amount of scrubbing I did. I turned and Snape seemed to have his full attention on the parchment in front of him and paying me no attention, so I coughed once, twice, three times but still nothing. He just ignored my presence as if I didn't exist. Is he deaf or does he want me to really punch him?

I decided to go up to his desk and put both my hands on his desk with some force as to make my presence known, while lowering my self down and speaking up. "I'm done."..."Yes I can see that."

"May I go?".... He looked up from his work and that's when I finally realised how close my face was to his and without a doubt I can't deny that he's  handsome as his features in the dim light make him appealing in a way I didn't think would be possible. Snape may be strict but teaches good lessons and never treats me wrong untill today. His black robes mask his body making him appear like a mysterious phantom that walks the corridors. And those eyes of his show so much pain that nobody can understand, a type of coldness which cannot be cured that easily. Yet I sense familiarity and warmth from them, as if I saw them before, but I cannot remember where from. It would be impossible for me to have seen Professor Snape before I came to Hogwarts so why do his eyes seem familiar?

Professor Snape cleared his voice which seemed to snap me back to reality, and make me quickly pull away with a blush across my cheeks from being so close to him. He seemed to have also acknowledged the closeness as he was now looking anywhere that wasn't me.

"I said you may go."

"O-Oh alright. Thank you." As I reached the door ready to leave the classroom I turned around one last time to bid him goodnight, as something compelled me to be nice to him even after he gave me the detention. "Goodnight Professor Snape"  I gave him a simple smile as he looked at me with confusion written all over his face, as if he has seen or heard something strange. Was he not used to people saying this to him?

"W-Well goodnight Miss l/n...."

I turned around my back facing him and went back to my room nothing but sleep in my mind. This lead me to fall asleep quite quickly but not before remembering how confused he looked.

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