Weird Behaviour

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I ran with Viven to the potions classroom after dinner as to not be late otherwise I don't even know what Snape would do to us, but we know he's capable of doing a lot.

When we reached the classroom we sorted ourselves out and then entered the classroom, where professor Snape looked up from the papers that were sprawled around on the table. His glare pierced through our skulls, it felt like someone was pointing a hot laser at your head making it turn red and begin to burn.

" Vivien there is a rag over there with a bucket full of water I expect you to clean the floor untill its shimmering, and then clean the couldrons so that they are sparkling clean. Oh and also scrape the bottom of the tables, so that there isn't anything stuck to them." He spoke sternly, his voice deep and terrying. To be so scary he doesn't even need to yell as just glaring at someone will make them run.

Since he gave so many chores for Vivien I started to worry and panic on what he's going to make me do. Will he also make me suffer so much? Snape's attention was brought to me after he finished instructing Vivien on what to do and it sent shivers down my whole body.

"Miss L/n. I expect you to copy 35 pages of the ingredients book. This should be completed all by the end of the detention. Otherwise you'll be copying the entire book in your next detention. Now go to your seat and start writing." He said whilst glaring at me and then turning back to his own work.

Hmmm isn't this slightly unfair on Vivien who has to do labour while I sit back and just write things down. Well no point in arguing with Professor Snape as he might give me harder things to do.

I started to do what I was told and Vivien did the same. After some time has passed I looked at Vivien and noticed how exhausted he was and he wasn't even done yet, while I was nearly done only to realise I don't have enough paper and the paper is over on the other table close to Vivien. Not wanting to distract Vivien from his work I went to the table to grab the paper only to trip and fall.

Ouch! Why does this keep happening?! I opened my eyes slowly only to see Vivien on top of me once again! I must have grabbed him on my way down. We both stared at each other and then started to separate untill I felt pain of my hair being pulled. "Ouch! Stop moving it hurts!" He stopped and then we realised my hair got stuck on his button. After the realisation he started to untangle my hair with one of his hands as the other was supporting his weight so he didn't crush me, as we still were in that same position. Which seemed to have angered Professor Snape once again.

"You two! Do you think you can slack off get back to work!" He stomped over to us in rage as he pulled Vivien from me aggressively, which nearly made Vivien fly to the other side of the room. Thankfully he untied my hair before Snape threw him.

His attention then turned to me and I would lie if I said I wasn't scared about what he was going to do to me, since I was still on the floor. To my surprise he helped me up more gently but still rough enough that I stumbled and hit his chest making me blush madly. I moved myself away only to realise he was still holding my hand, so I made us both fall down. Great Viven first and now Professor Snape!!!! I'm so dead!

As I looked into Snape's eyes I started to feel butterflies rushing around in my stomach, which made me blush madly once again and swallow through my nervousness. For a second I could swear I saw Snape smirk but that could have been my imagination since his angry expression came back quickly.

He got off me and patted his outfit for any dust and then helped me up. I could see Viven glaring at Snape the entire time which was weird. Why is he acting so weird?

"Get back to work." Professor Snape walked away to his desk but not before glaring  at Vivien one last time, and we both went to do what we were suppose to.

After a while has passed I was finally done copying all the notes that I was supposed to so I raised my hand, since I didn't know whether I'm allowed to talk freely in this moment.

"Yes Miss L/n?" He asked not even looking up from his task.

"I'm done." I said nervously not quite sure of what I'm suppose to do now. Vivien walked over to me and peered over my shoulder to see how much paper I have used.

"Woah you really write fast! Love your writing." He leaned over my shoulder shortening the distance between our faces which seemed to make me feel something once again. I could feel his breath fan my shoulder, the warm air sent a shiver down my spine since the room we are in is very cold.

Snape got up from his table while slamming his hands on the table before walking over to me and pulling Vivien away from me once again.

He cleared his voice once again as he glared at Viven. "Since you're slacking off you must be finished?"

"No I'm not." Viven walked away from me but not before smiling and sending me a wink, which made me smile a little. Then Snape leaned over my shoulder doing the exact same thing as Viven but when Snape did it if felt weird once again but 10x more than it did with Vivien. His hot breath fanning my neck made me shiver and the closeness of our faces made me blush madly, as he read through the papers making sure it was correct.

"I see. Since you have finished you can go." He moved away and then walked back to his desk to sit down but not before addressing Vivien. "You are only allowed to leave after you finish."

Gathering my things I got ready to leave but not before looking at Viven sympathetically, to which he sent me a smile and a wave. I walked out of the classroom and headed straight to bed. What a night. Why where they both acting so weird? Nevermind that I'm exhausted.


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Have a good day/night! :D♡

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