Deja Vu

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Wang Yibo stands frozen outside his office double doors. His mind is clouded and a slight frown ghost over his face as he stares at nothing.
The day before, why had he accepted that man as his new assistant?
While signing the papers needed and giving his new assistant all the information and items needed for his job he had been in a complete daze. Mostly the reason for his mind to try and escape the reality was because his new assistant kept having this weird smile directed at him.
Wang Yibo has never in his life seen a smile like that before, it made him feel weird and he never feels weird or get affected by people, so perhaps his spontaneous decision wasn't such a smart idea.
Whatever he likes to tell himself that smile was meant for him, it just felt like a secret and that scares him even more because he had just met this man.

Wang Yibo mentally prepares himself for the soon encounter, he knows his assistant is already in his office waiting for his arrival.
The wonders of technology,  he had gotten a notification at 5 A.M of the new addition to his team entering the office building and logging in to his new accounts.
Wang Yibo cannot excuse it is a bit odd after all that time had not been their scheduled but he can't be angry at it because how can he be angry at someone showing up earlier at their job.
In the end it should make him like the new assistant more but considering those weird smiles sent his way every time they make eye contact he rather feels on edge.

Wang Yibo opens the heavy wooden doors with ease to his office and his breath is caught in his throat. The man plaguing his thoughts since the day before stands with his back facing him. Upon hearing the slight creak of the door hinges the youthful male swiftly turns around and a blinding smile is directed straight at Wang Yibo standing frozen in the doorway. 
For a split second the male in front of him has the same smile but his appearance changes to a traditional look but as quickly as it came it is gone.
The sunrise occurring outside the window behind the slim figure stands no match in beauty however it does enhance it when it illuminates the dark messy halo on his head, his black suit shows a slight shimmer on its surface and for a few seconds the only thing Wang Yibo can do is stare in awe.

Never before has a human captured his interest like this, this experience is completely foreign and weird to him.

"Good morning B~O~S~S."

Wei WuXian chuckles after dragging the letters out, he obviously wants to tease his reincarnated husband because faith is so funny having him working for his husband when in their past life everything started with them fighting.
He doesn't feel the need to complain though. Working for his fuddy-duddy is kinda hot and seeing the hotness of his boss in a suit every day isn't exactly a downside.

When Baoshan Sanren had informed him that Lan WangJi had finally been reincarnated his hopes had skyrocketed, who could blame him he had waited a very long time for his soulmate after all. However he was quickly brought back on his knees underneath faith's boot and Baoshan Sanren had made it very  clear that even though it is his husband's soul, the reborn Lan WangJi is now experiencing his second life.
Wei WuXian had to accept the fact that his husband no longer remembers him and might not even have a similar personality or appearance from his past life. 

His reincarnation was forced with cultivation, his soul and new body brought together like some kind of contract, when the wish was fulfilled the body entirely belonged to him. 
When Mo XuanYu had sacrificed his body to summon Wei WuXian that body then belonged to his soul it was an offering.
Wei WuXian's soul and the sacrificed body then morphed together into a resemblance of Wei WuXian's soul appearance that happened to resemble his youthful days.
The more he used demonic cultivation the more the body resembled his past life, his soul really took over and after fulfilling the contract which coincidentally also cleared his name, there really was no significant resemblance left of Mo XuanYu. 
There never goes a day when Wei WuXian doesn't feel gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice giving him the chance to restart and live a happy life with his soulmate.
So him going to such lengths for his husband, are they really that wrong, is it really too greedy of him to want more time with the only one he wanted to spend eternity with. 

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