Chapter Thirteen

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She stumbled into the lady's toilets. One of the cubicles was occupied and Quinn was glad because it could've been worse- there could've been a dozen women in here. Quinn went to duck into one of the cubicles just as the door opened. She went to dash inside but then saw who it was.


"Quinn? Oh my God, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I've, um, just been cutting onions."

"At work?"

"Okay, Gray's here. He sat in on my interview for the foreign correspondent job."

"He did? That's why James asked me not to come," Kat said.

"You mean you were going to do it?"

"Yes, but James said not to worry because he had someone else. If I'd known it was going to be Gray I would've warned you." Quinn grabbed a tissue from the bench top and blew her nose and wiped her eyes as she listened to Kat speak. "What did he say to you?" Kat asked.

"He said I wasn't going to get the job."

"Man, I know Gray can play hardball, but I didn't think he would ever do that to you."

"Yes, he was certainly hard." Quinn hadn't meant to make sexual innuendo, it had just come out that way and Kat, of course, jumped on it straight away.

"Did something else happen?"


"Are you sure? Maybe a little kiss and make up."

"There was definitely no making up."

"What about- oh my God!" Kat suddenly squealed, clutching at her bell the same time and thankfully losing the thread of the conversation.

"What is it? Are you okay? Is it the baby?"

"Yes, it's the baby."

"Are you having it now? Do I need to call Max? An ambulance?"

"No, I just felt the baby kick for the first time," Kat said.

"Oh, thank God. I thought I was going to have to deliver it."

"Here, quick," Kat said grabbing her hand and placing it on her belly.

Quinn felt it, too. The tiniest little bump against her hand. "Oh my God!" Quinn squealed in the exact same tone as Kat. "I've never felt anything like it."

Quinn knelt down and put her head up close to Kat's belly. "Hello, little one," she said just as the door swung open and Trina, one of the fashion journalists walked into the bathroom. She took one look at the two of them.

"I don't even want to know what's going on here," Trina said edging toward a cubicle.

"I'm talking to her baby," Quinn said. "You should try it."

Trina laughed. "Maybe next time."

She disappeared into the cubicle and Quinn and Kat left the toilet, heading back to their workstations. But Quinn continued to glance about nervously. Gray could still be here. She hadn't seen him leave because she was hiding out in the toilets. Her lips still tingled from his kiss. Thank God Kat had felt the baby kick because she did not want to tell anyone that she had kissed her soon to be ex-husband and had thoroughly enjoyed it. Quinn woke up her laptop and tried to do some work. Of course, her brain was total mush thanks to Gray's kiss and would not transmit any signals to her fingertips about what to type. So she just sat there for the longest time staring at her screen, only glancing away when she noticed the tall figure cutting through the office. Gray. He was still here. She tried to make herself as small as possible, but she needn't have worried. He wasn't interested in her, he swept straight past her workstation without even a glance. Several people were watching the spectacle of Gray very publicly snubbing her and she felt herself flame with humiliation. If only they knew what he'd just done to her in James' office.

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