Chapter 6

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Silver-ripple watched Fernstar with widened eyes. "I have decided on who will come to the Gathering." He announced. He looked down at his warriors, and for what seemed like a moon, he flicked his tail tip.

"Halfsky, Beartail, Ravenfrost, Deerstripe, Duskstorm, Silver-ripple, Lionwhisker, Birchstorm, Fawndapple, Dustclaw, and Cedarpaw." He meowed. "Meeting dismissed." He leaped down from the Highrock, and all the cats gathered near the entrance of the camp.

Duskstorm padded up next to Silver-ripple. "How long have we been to a Gathering ever since?" He meowed. Silver-ripple shrugged. "Not in moons. This will be my first one attending as a warrior." Duskstorm nodded. "Same here."

As the cats headed towards Four Trees, Cedarpaw bounded next to his father. "What are the different Clans like?" He meowed. Dustclaw laid his tail on his son's back. "Calm down, first off." Cedarpaw stopped bouncing around, and walked at a normal pace beside his kin.

"Well, we have ThunderClan, that's us, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan. RiverClan is the Clan we have problems with." Dustclaw meowed. "They always try to steal Sunningrocks from us, even though they don't use them." Cedarpaw unsheathed his claws. "If they try to steal them, I'll shred them into fox pieces."

Dustclaw purred. "And then we have WindClan, a Clan that..." Silver-ripple turned to Duskstorm. "I wonder if we'll get to see Whitebee." She meowed. Duskstorm shrugged. "We can talk to him during this time, but if we face him battle..." He trailed off.

As they reached Four Trees, Fernstar signaled with his tail. He looked around the clearing to make sure it was safe. Silver-ripple could smell WindClan and ShadowClan scents mixed together. As Fernstar flicked his tail, ThunderClan rushed in and started to separate into different groups.

Silver-ripple saw Fernstar walk up to a cat she had never seen before, and Moonstar. She joined Duskstorm with the other warriors of different Clans. She could make out different pelts, and she spotted a familiar pelt. "Hey, I think I found Whitebee." She murmured into Duskstorm's ear. "Ok, well, you can go say hi to him. I'm going to stay here and talk." He meowed.

Silver-ripple padded towards Whitebee, who was talking with a gray she-cat. Silver-ripple tapped his shoulder with her tail. He turned, and purred. "Silverpaw! It's good to see you. You've grown, too."

Silver-ripple nodded. "Actually, I've earned my warrior name. It's Silver-ripple now." She meowed. Whitebee stared at her. "That's a beautiful name you've got there. Oh, yeah. Silver-ripple, meet Brindlepelt. She just became a warrior, four sunrises ago." He pointed his tail to the gray she-cat.

She nodded. "Hello, Silver-ripple." She turned to Whitebee. "Are you going to tell me about that rogue?" She asked. Whitebee shook his head. "I'll tell you later, ok? Right now, I want to talk with Silver-ripple for a moment." He responded. Brindlepelt nodded, and joined two more cats Silver-ripple didn't know.

"So, how's Foxtail? Did she have kits?" Whitebee murmured. Silver-ripple nodded. "She had one kit. He's a light gray tabby, and he's very strong and curious. Foxtail named him Stormkit." Whitebee purred. "I wish I could see him right now." Silver-ripple knew what he was feeling.

"Maybe when he becomes an apprentice, you can say hi." She suggested. Silver-ripple heard a yowl, and padded back towards Duskstorm. "RiverClan is already here?" She mewed. Duskstorm shook his head. "They got here a couple of minutes ago." Silver-ripple nodded.

"ShadowClan would like to go first." Silver-ripple looked up at the Great Rock, where the four leaders stood to address their Clans. "Wetstar has sadly died. He was on his ninth life, and tried to fight the greencough that took him. And, as I was his deputy, I am now the new leader of ShadowClan." Silver-ripple heard ShadowClan chant the black cat's name. "Emberstar! Emberstar!"

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