Chapter 11

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Silver-ripple woke up into what seemed like the ThunderClan camp, but it was still dark, and everything was lightly touched with stars. Before she felt everything fade away, she saw a figure padding towards her. She couldn't make out who it was, and before she could say anything, woke up in the nursery with a start.

Four sunrises ago, her father had died and been buried. She still mourned him, but did everything she could to get her mind off of his death. Stormpaw's mentor had been changed to Birchstorm. Blossompool was out of the nursery, now that her kit, Birdpaw, was an apprentice. Silver-ripple had been in this Clan since she was a kit, had experienced life and death, betrayal and love, battles and small skirmishes.

She sighed, as the new-leaf breeze ruffled her fur. The snow was melting under everyone's paws, and it brought hope and joy for new beginnings. Everyone was well fed, and no longer grumpy and tired. She felt a pain in her stomach, and heaved herself out of the nursery.

Carrying these kits had been like carrying a huge mouthful of food. It was annoying to walk or run around with this heaviness that had been added on to her. She entered the medicine cat's den, where Beartail was walking in circles. She sat down, looking at the worried medicine cat with confusion on her face.

"Beartail? Is everything ok?" She mewed. He looked up at her. "Oh, yes. Everything's fine. It's just, if I die, another cat won't be here to heal the Clan. I need an apprentice, and none of the cats are interested." Beartail huffed. Silver-ripple felt sympathy for her friend. She reached out to touch his shoulder with her tail-tip.

When she did, he shuddered away, his eyes wide with hope, worry, and fear. He shrank into a corner, far away from Silver-ripple. "A silenced kit will inhabit the powers of StarClan, and use them to help her Clan in a time of need. In that time of need, a sickness will break loose, and in her paws will be the fate of the Clans, and with her light, can she heal them."

Silver-ripple looked at Beartail, her eyes wide with shock. "Beartail, stop! You're freaking me out." Beartail shook his pelt. "It was a prophecy of one of your kits. We must keep a careful eye on one of them." Silver-ripple arched her back. "There is no way that one of my kits is tied to this prophecy, Beartail. You might be talking about another cat, but I'm not letting my kits be put in danger."

She turned and stalked away, padding under the tree in their camp. She seemed to have forgotten what she went in there for, then a jolt of pain went through her body, and she started yowling. Beartail, Duskstorm, and Roselight ran to her. Beartail had carried some herbs and a stick, and set them down in front of her.

"She's kitting." Beartail mewed calmly. Duskstorm panicked and sniffed his mate's pelt. "Oh StarClan!" Roselight gave Silver-ripple the stick. "This is for the pain. When it hurts, bite down on the stick." Silver-ripple eagerly took it, and slid her claws out, digging them into the earth below her.

She yowled with pain again, and bit the stick. Beartail was near her flank, when she could see him carry a small scrap of fur next to her belly. "It's a tom." He placed his paw gently on her flank. "You have two more coming. Quickly, lick him." Silver-ripple quickly licked her kit's fur, and he started mewling for milk.

She purred, and looked up at Duskstorm. "He's perfect." Duskstorm nodded his head. Silver-ripple purred, but then abruptly stopped as another jolt of pain rushed through her. She yowled, and Duskstorm took over licking the kit. She stopped yowling as Beartail carried a small silver-furred kit.

Silver-ripple quickly took it and started licking it. "A she-kit." Beartail purred. Silver-ripple felt protective over her kits, and wanted to be with them at every moment. She purred when the little striped she-kit was mewling. She set the kit next to the tom, and they both were suckling.

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