Chapter 12

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Silver-ripple yawned, feeling tired a lot more now that she had kits. She watched her three kits curled up, sleeping, their bodies rising and falling in motion together. She purred, and brought them closer to her belly, using her tail to gently guide them over. She curled up with them, finally happy that she could get some sleep.

When she woke, it was daytime, and streams of sunlight came in through the roof of the nursery. She looked down to find her kits still asleep. She nudged them awake, gently with her nose. "Wake up, little ones." She mewed softly.

Nightkit was the first to yawn and open his sleepy eyes. "Huh?" He meowed, drowsily. He stretched his way out of the nest, and looked up at his mother. "I'm still tired." Silver-ripple purred. "You can sleep later. Right now, go outside. I'm sure you can chase down some butterflies while you're up." Nightkit's eyes widened with adventure and excitement. He pounced on Willowkit and Lightkit.

"We're going to chase butterflies!" He mewed. Willowkit woke up with a start, then whacked his ear playfully. "I'm coming! I'm coming." She meowed. She nudged Lightkit with her paw. "Are you coming to?" Lightkit stretched. "Maybe." Willowkit shrugged, padding out of the nursery. "Well, if you are, we'll be waiting for you."

Lightkit sighed, and turned to Silver-ripple. Before she opened her mouth, Silver-ripple stopped her. "For the last time, love. We respect your decision. Your father may be skeptical about it, but I will always agree with you." Lightkit purred, then padded out of the nest. Silver-ripple curled up, thinking.

What if the prophecy is about Lightkit? What then? She scented Duskstorm, and turned to find him carrying a mouse. He dropped at her muzzle. "I thought I would get you something to eat." She purred. "Thanks, Duskstorm. I'm pretty sure that the kits wouldn't sleep through all that growling of mine." Duskstorm purred in amusement, before leaving the den.

Silver-ripple sighed, and took a few mouthfuls of mouse before pushing away the rest. She walked out of the nursery, and saw her kits chasing blue-and-black butterflies. Nightkit leaped, and with his claws unsheathed, caught the butterfly by the wing. Silver-ripple purred to see how strong her kits had grown.

She watched them, when Stormheart padded up to her. "Silver-ripple, kits." He dipped his head. He sat next to Silver-ripple's side, and sighed. "I know I should ask her, but I want your opinion. Do you think Hazelpelt likes me, as a mate?" Silver-ripple purred. "I know she does. She doesn't leave your side. Every time I went to get Robinshine out of the apprentices den, I saw you two curled up together in the same nest." Stormheart flicked his tail-tip in happiness. "But, should I ask her?"

Silver-ripple shook her head. "You don't need to. She probably already accepts you as her mate." Stormheart sighed. "But, I want to make sure, and not assume." He mewed. Hazelpelt padded up to the two cats, carrying a fat vole. She dropped it at her paws. "Hey Stormheart! Silver-ripple!" She meowed cheerily.

Stormheart purred, then looked down at the vole. "Are you sharing that with me?" He asked. Hazelpelt nodded. "I have some news to tell you." She crouched down and took a mouthful of vole, waiting for Stormheart. He crouched down as well, and took a small bite. "What's the news?" He meowed.

Hazelpelt looked at him with serious eyes. "I'm expecting your kits." She purred. Stormheart stared at her in shock, then licked her cheek. "That's great!" Silver-ripple nudged him. "I guess you don't have to ask." She whispered. He nodded, and purred louder. "I'm going to be a father! We must pick out some names." Hazelpelt nodded.

"Maybe when the time is right for it." She mewed. Silver-ripple looked at the golden tabby. "Do you need help moving in?" She asked. Hazelpelt shook her head. "I got this. I'm not showing as much, so it's not a burden for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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