Chapter 35

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"I was wondering when you'd come back out here. We tried knocking."

I don't know what to say. He is the last person I expected to see and I don't know if I'm really happy to see him. Frankly, I'm a bit upset with him because it seems like once again he waited on the sidelines for everything to be over before revealing himself. 

I cross my arms over my chest, happy to see Adriam is as upset with him as I am. "What're you doing here Tonic?" I'm mostly angry because I thought he was Verando, I desperately wanted him to be Verando, especially considering we don't truly know what happened to him. 

In the back of my mind, I'm less worried than I would be. The man has proved to be pretty unkillable but the peace of mind with all of the death and destruction surrounding us would be nice.  

"You look like hell." He comments and I ball my hands up into fists. 

"What are you doing here, Tonic?" I snap once more. 

"Let's just do what we came to do, Nic. He's a coward and a traitor." Adriam scowls. 

"A traitor?" Tonic frowns. "Haven't I paid my debt over and over?"

Adriam scoffs. "No, you haven't but others have unfortunately paid it for you. Have a nice life, Tonic." He turns to walk towards where we last saw Victor's body and I turn to follow him, I have nothing to say to this Verando impersonator. 

I've run out of pity for Tonic. 

"This is the thanks I get for saving them?" He sounds so confident and I pause, looking over my shoulder. My eyes travel around but I see no one else is around us. The stark white of the snow makes it painfully obvious that he is completely alone. 

I gesture with my hand, "Who?" I don't have time for this. Not with my sister running around with my friends. 

Adriam rolls his eyes. 

"No one Nic. It's a pity tactic." He pulls my shirt and Tonic chuckles. 

"Verando and Penelope." The names hit me like a train and I stop in my tracks. The snow shudders around my feet, I wheel around and storm towards him. He puts his hands up defensively and backs away from me as I approach. 

I grab his jacket in my fists, yanking him to my level so that I can look into his eyes. "Tonic, I swear on whatever god cursed us with your cowardice, if you are making this up I will kill you where you stand. I do not have the patience for this that I once did. I'm tired, I'm hurting, my friends are dead; if you have something to say come out and say it or get lost."

 He puts his hands on mine and takes a deep breath though he doesn't look afraid of me. 

"They're here. They're on the boat, Penelope wasn't feeling well and it was cold as hell out here. I tried to knock on the door but no one answered." I release him and take a step back. 

Reid approaches us with an arm full of tinder, watching Tonic cautiously. "Is everything alright?" He comes to stand with us, I thank him for his concern. 

"Adriam.." I don't know what to say but he nods.

"Go. I've got this. I want to be alone for a bit with Victor anyways. I'm sure, if this is true, Verando will want to see Temptrest." He glares towards Tonic and I can't help but feel the same way. 

"Let's go then," I demand of my former friend and push him to lead the way. I've come so far, no one offers to go with me because I don't need protection; if anything Tonic needs protection from me. 

I feel confident as we walk towards the seemingly vacant boat that if this is a trap, there isn't much anyone else could do to help me at this point anyways. "Tell me how you found them. Forgive me if I'm skeptical of your ability to do what we could not."

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