lets get naughty🤭

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Oh shit that fucking hurt
"Baby you good" tray says while a laughs escapes as he is talking , he tries to hide it but it was to damn funny
"No , bruh I think I broke my ass" airi said whining
She looks up at tray with a sad face
"Aww I'm sorry bae , you need help" tray said leaning down
"Yea" airi said putting her arms up for him to grab
"Well that's tuff" he shrugs his shoulders and started skating away and airis face quickly changed to shocked and anger

Tray came back to airi with his fist over his mouth laughing mad hard Iike it was that funny

"Naw nigga , you wanna play games , go ahead , leave me alone I got this"
Tray giggles watching airi attempt to get up and watches her struggle
He then picks her up
She grabs his neck with both arms with her knees on his arm , he sits her down at a table and she quickly throws her skates off
"I'm done with this shit" airi attempts to toss them but they heavier then they look so she drops them

"you gotta admit that was kinda funny though" tray says smiling looking down at her
"Ooooo that was hilarious wasent it , airi starts laughing  and then stops and makes a face, no nigga that shit hurt" airi says rolling her eyes
tray leans down and kisses her forehead

"You want something to eat?" Tray says getting up heading toward the concessions
"Yea get me a cheese pizza and a blue slushie" she said turning to him
"Ight" she watches him roll to the stand

"Hey girl" ken says stopping herself at the table with her hands bc she had skated over , she takes a seat next to airi
"You okay , I saw you fall" she says trying not to laugh but her smile gives it up
"Ugh , you did , bruh that shit hurt" airi says putting her hand on her head
" what made you fall" Ken says repositioning herself
"Fucking tray, he gonna push me and I started leaning backward and fell on my ass" airi says making this face ( 😑)
"Ahh damn , gurl I wish my nigga would fucking try my shit like that" ken says looking up shaking her head and hitting her fist to her hand

Airi looks over to dc who is alone
"Did Kayla not show up?" Airi asked concerned still looking at him with his head down
"Naw , I kinda feel bad cause my mans really was feelin her" ken says scrolling through Instagram
" oooo wait look there she is coming through the door , awww" airi says and Ken instantly looks up
They watch as dc whole mood change , he look like he just won the lottery with a big smile across his face

Tray walks up with food for him and airi , he places her pizzas infront of her and sits down across from her and starts eating

"Hollup , where my slushie" Airi looks around for it and tray got his lips on it drinking it almost half way down
"I know you fuckin lyin" Airi looks and at him and shakes her head and starts eating again

"Oo that look good , Imma go get d so he can buy me food" ken says getting up skating away

As tray eats , airi stares at him

"What" he says looking up
"Nothin" she says leaning her chin in her hand
Tray smiles and continues eating

This nigga was beyond fine and he is mine ( aye that rhyme) god took his time I swear

They finally finish their food and the gang meets back up , the decided to go into laser tag
The boys and girls were on opposite teams

Airi's team was red
Trays team was blue
On the blue side :
You got tray (captain)
You got Zavi(smooth shot)
You got dc (fast)
And finally D(distraction)

On the red side:
You got airi (captain)
You got ken( hider)
You got nessa(runner)
You got Kayla ( camouflage)

They all start running and getting into positions
"Go over there dc" tray says to dc who follows orders
Dc runs over behind a fake rock
Kayla slithers beside him without him noticing and shoots him
"Wait wtf , you cheated" dc says in shock
"No I didn't , but sorry baby boy , better luck next time" she runs away quickly , one down 3 to go

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