who are you? Pt.2

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"Okay what do you think, is it to much or to fancy?"
Airi walks out from the bathroom and shows tray the complete look
"woahhhh... Bae you look goodt" tray says holding his fist to his mouth
"you look good too bae" Airi says as she looks at tray
He had on a fancy black top on with two buttons undone showing his chest and his chain , as well matching pants and Gucci Princetown slip ons
"shit i might just take yours off" tray says as he creeps up on Airi and turns her around so that her back is on his chest
"You Smell good" Airi says, she smiles
"Tray you family is downstairs"
kiss* "and" kiss* he says while continuing to kiss on her neck
He places his hand on her thigh and slides his hand up along with her dress
"which means we can't do anything right now" she says as she places her hand on top of his trying to stop his hand from going any higher
"Mm and who says.." he moves her hair to the other side to get better access and starts to suck on her neck
Airi let's out a soft moan of trays name "tray"
"say my name" tray continues to kiss down her neck and slips her dress off her shoulder
"TRAYYYY" Riley yells from downstairs
"Didn't expect that way of my name being called" tray backs off from Airi and holds his hands on her waist before opening their bedroom door
"YEAAA??" Tray yells out the door
"Tray stop yelling" Airi says making a face
"Hold on I'll be back bae" tray leaves the room and Airi goes back in the bathroom to take some pictures of the fit

Airi's outfit^"Ooo I look to good" Airi says as she twerks in the mirror "Let me stop being bad in these folks house" Airi says as she puts lotion on her legs and adds perfume to her neck and wrists——Tray POV"Hurry up" Riley says rushing tray"What...

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Airi's outfit^
"Ooo I look to good" Airi says as she twerks in the mirror
"Let me stop being bad in these folks house" Airi says as she puts lotion on her legs and adds perfume to her neck and wrists
Tray POV
"Hurry up" Riley says rushing tray
"What is it damn" tray says with an attitude as he walks down the stairs
"green room, dad called a meeting"
"shit okay" tray dropped the attitude right when she said that
They walk down the stairs and go into the office , tray shuts the door
Riley types a code into the wall key pad and step back right next to tray, the patch of floor starts to go down like a elevator with no walls
They go down into the ground and now there is walls made of glass
The whole in the office floor gets replaced by a trap door
Tray and Riley make it down to the underground , or we should say the real office
"The Green Room"
Tray and Riley step off the elevator and walk down the green hall with pictures of each and every leader known
As you might have figured it out , tray and his family are in a gang , well tray was supposed to pledge into the gang until airi came around and he figured joining might not settle well with airi.
They step into a huge room , everything was color coordinated to green
"You called a meeting dad" tray says sitting down in front of his desk
"Yea I did" Tito says opening his folders
"At this party tonight there are gonna be some investors, one to be exact, marcus.. they are coming to talk to me about a big drop happening next week and I need all of your help"
"Finally some action , im so tired of pretending to be a highschool student to watch tray while he stay with his mom" Bryan said jumping up excited
"Right" prime says
"Frl man" dc said
"aye , that was a mission , y'all three had to keep an eye out for tray , which you did and you'll get your fair share soon" Tito said
"Thank you cause im 22 now and it feels weird to be talking to lil kids everyday" Bryan says
"Hah" dc says chuckling in the corner
"Back to what I was saying" tito says in a serious tone
"Tray, I need you to help me with a certain someone, a girl-"
"No no no, airi is gonna be there dad , I'm not finna help you get a deal by getting with some daddy's girl" tray says making a face
"All you gotta do is flirt a little , make her feel good"
"No dad"
Tito let's out a long breath..
"Fine, prime will take that case"
"Why not me" dc says walking closer to the desk
Tito looks at dc for a minute and then back to tray
"Okay But you said they.." Riley says
"and that is where tray comes in, you have to deal with Tj"
"Dad nothing , your helping at this party and the only person left is Tj" Tito says closing his folders
Tray scoffs
"Wait so what are we supposed to do?" Bryan says
"Oh , you and dc are on ari duty"
"Airi duty?" Dc says in confusion
"You and Bryan will keep an eye out on ari while tray finishes our deal"
"Airi" trays says getting up
"Huh" Tito says looking up
"Her name is airi dad" tray walks away going back upstairs
"Riley" Tito says waving Riley over to him
"Try becoming that girls friend , company , if she gonna be in this family I rather have her someone her age who is a female she can talk to, I don't want her to be lonely"
"Ofcourse dad , I already planned on it"
"That's my girl" Tito says going through his files
Riley smiles and walks toward the elevator
"Fucking airi duty , this some god damn bullshit"
"Fucking stupid ass mission"
Bryan and dc go back upstairs talking under their breath
"So do I actually sleep with her"
Tito slowly looks up to prime with a un readable face expression
"Oh oh , gotchu" prime says catching up to ride with dc and Bryan
Tito shakes his head as he does paperwork
Airi POV
"Where is this boy at?" Airi says sitting on the bed
She picks up the remote and turns on the tv
"Ooo Netflix" she starts rewatching scandal
Tray walks in and closes the door
"Hey babe"
"Hey bae , Im sorry I took so long it was just some family stuff I had to handle"
"Everything alright"
"Yea yea just stuff with my dad"
"Okay good.. now from what i remember, we left on me leaning on you, while your hand was right here and oh , my hair was all on this side" airi says slow and soft as she places tray in positions
Tray kisses on her neck
He spins her around and pushes his hand on her neck , he picks her up and slams her to the wall
He leaves sweet kisses down her chest
He puts her on the bed
She takes control and gets on top
She kisses him ....and gets off
"Where you going"
"It's 7:58, we have a party to attend" airi says slipping her heels on and smirking back at tray who is still laying on the bed stunned
"you coming?" She says biting her lip and walking out the door
Tray gets up and smiles
"Ooo, airi can you help me bring the appetizers to the table" Riley says
"Of course" airi says with a smile
Airi and Riley both grab a platter and head to the main living area and set it on the glass coffee tables
"Everything in the house is just so.. nice" airi says and she laughs
"Thank you, dad loves his brands, he always says when you get money , invest it and great things will come out of it later" Riley says walking back to the kitchen as airi follows
"Well he sure was right" airi says looking at the picture frame on the wall
"Grandpa insisted on having that photo on the wall, he always said it was his favorite" Riley says as she notices airi staring at it
Airi smiles and grabs another platter and going into the second living area
Airi places the platter down
"Airi?" Tito says causing airi to turn around
"Could I talk to you in my office for a minute"
"Yea sure" airi says with a smile
She follows him to the fake office , "you have a lovely house" airi says looking around
"Thank you , id prefer it to be bigger but this will have to do" he says as he opens a drawer
He pulls out a long box, he opens it and pulls out a Emerald and Dimond Drop Pendent
"Wow it's beautiful" airi says admiring the expensive yet beautiful necklace
"It was tray's grandmothers , emerald , our signature color...she said to give it to someone special, so I told tray to give it to someone he knows for sure deserves it, try it on" Tito says unlatching the necklace to open it
"You sure" airi says
"I insist" Tito says smiling
She slowly turns around and moves her hair
He puts her necklace on and she turns back around
He pulls out a small mirror and she touches the necklace and admires it in the mirror
"It's even better on" airi says in a whisper
"I'm glad you like it cause it's yours"
"What?!" Airi quickly moves her eyesight from the mirror
"Your special airi, a necklace like that should be worn on someone like you and I'm sure of it , tray has never brought a girl home, he once told me he never would.. but then you came along and well through my 18 of knowing him I've never seen him so happy."
Airi smiles and feels on the necklace
"Thank you"
"Your welcome, now you should go , we do have a party starting"
Airi smiles and walks toward the door
"Green fits you" Tito says
She smiles and walks out his office
"There you are" Bryan says
"We've been looking for yo ass , come on we going over here" dc says pulling airi
"Nigga don't do that shit, I can walk" airi says walking forward
"Bae" tray says walking up to her
"Hey baby" airi says smiling
"I want you to meet my uncle Thomas"  tray says walking over to him with airi
"Hello, Im trays uncle Thomas , you must be the famous airi"
"Yes sir" airi says smiling
"I see your representing" Thomas says looking at the color of her dress and winking
Airi looks and laughs in confusion
"Well we gotta go, it was nice seeing you unc"
"You too tray" he says taking another sip of his whiskey
"What did he mean by representing?" Airi says and tray pulls her away
"Oh nothing, probably just had a few" tray says tryna change the subject

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