Drink up pt.2

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Airi POV
"Whats taking them so long ?" Airi says looking toward the hall way
"I don't know, but what I do know is if we get caught we're all screwed" Riley says
"Wait what you mean" Airi says getting worried
"My dad does nottt play about his alcohol, especially if he knew we took it" Riley says shaking her head
"But he is literally always serving alcohol at events" Nini says making a face
"Naw , that's different" Riley says
"All I know is , i plan on having fun tonight" Nini says flipping her hair
Airi and Riley look at each other and laugh
"Haters gonna hate" Nini says under her breath

"Hey um , can we talk" Riley says moving closer to Airi and sitting next to her on the couch
"Yea ... about earlier" Airi goes on " I wanted to tell you about-"
"We're back" tray says walking in with prime
"I just wanted to tell you what did happen is fine now and I have everything under control so you don't have to worry" Airi says smiling
"Are you sure? Because you can talk to me , whenever, even if it's in the middle of the night, I'll help you with whatever" Riley says looking into Airi's eyes and she pulls her into a hug
"I- thanks" Airi says looking at her hands
Riley walks away leaving Airi to think

Maybe I should tell her what happened 
....but that could literally ruin everything
Ugh , screw Chris , I should have never got involved with him, worst mistake
God help me , I don't know what I'm saying or doing I'm just spiraling down a bad path and talking to myself in my inner head instead of interacting
Snap out of it Airi!

"So , what's the plan" Airi says standing up impulsively
Tray smiles
"Y'all might wanna grab a jacket" tray says smirking at prime , prime giggles

Airi runs upstairs and changes outfits , she grabs tray a hoodie and everyone makes there way back down stairs after putting on shoes and a jacket
Airi had on a Nike hoodie and matching sweats over her silk set, she puts on some shoes and everyone makes their way out of the back door
The door shuts and with that , they were off

But sadly, the alarm went off notifying the back door was opened..

"Where are we going" Airi says walking over branches and leaves crunching all around her from her and everyone else stepping on the dirt, Tray holds her hand helping her over all of the big branches
"Its dark as hell out here, shit what if a bear pop up, what if we die, what if a white man with a gun comes out and decides to shoot us, what then?!" dc says acting jumpy
"Nigga in Atlanta? nigga we in the city, that ... that couldn't happen... right?" Bryan says looking at dc starting to get a lil nervous
"Both of y'all acting scary as hell" Chris says
"Aye Michael , is that why you brought that butter knife I saw you put in yo jacket" prime says looking back at him
"A butter knife- you must be joking" Bryan says laughing mad hard
"So nigga if we we're going under attack , you was finna pull out a butter knife , because that was gonna save all 8 of us" dc says chuckling doing his weird ass walk
"Would y'all shut up , we here" tray says
Everyone looks up
"Tuh a butter knife" dc says under his breath

"Our old spot" Riley says smiling
They all continue to walk and finally make it to the clubhouse , it looked old , as if no one has been in it for a while and no children were in sight for years

"Woahh, what is this?" Airi says looking at the mini house obviously made for kids
Everyone looks at it in Aw
"This was me, Riley and Nini's old clubhouse" tray says opening the door , letting Airi in first
"We have a lot of memories up in this bitch" Nini says walking in
Everyone steps in and Prime closes the door

"My dad built it when we were all around 8, summer here became fun as hell for us , shit I lost my virginity in this place" tray says
"So did I " Riley says laughing
"Anyways... lets just all make a circle on the floor"  Bryan says taking a seat
They all make a circle on the ground while tray lights the candles to bring some light to the darkness
"Why i get the feeling you wanted us out here to murder us all" dc says looking at tray
"I- nigga shut the hell up , I just wanted to make sure we could be as loud as we wanted and not wake my dad up , and trust we mad far for him to catch us" tray says taking a seat next to Airi
She smiles and scoots closer to him and he puts his arm around her and puts his head in her neck making her giggle
"Okay , so I'm thinking we play a lil game of never have a ever, if you have , then you take a shot" Prime says smiling nodding up and down
Everyone grabs their shot glass and prime places the bottles in the middle
"Which dumbass grabbed white whine to take a shot with?" Riley says laughing
"That was all tray" prime says covering his mouth laughing
"No nigga dont lie on my name" tray says smiling lying like a mf
"Nigga, now you know damn well i ain't grab no damn , wHiTe WiNe" he says in a British accent
"Ahhhh" dc says laughing
"Okay everyone shut ya ass up" nini says annoyed
"Bitch you shut the Fuck up with that stiff ass wig" dc says rolling his eyes
Airi lets out a chuckle
"And that's why you liked this stiff ass wig when you was giving me back shots" nini says rolling her eyes back "And you just finna sit there and not defend me, some boyfriend you are" nini says making faces
"If I ever gave you back shots I must have been drugged or went blind that night , because no way in hell-" dc tries to say before Bryan cuts him off
"How about we do what we came here for and play the game and get drunk and have some fun"
"Sounds good to me shit" tray says

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