i just wanna see you naked

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Airi POV:
I wake up and it's mad late in the day , I don't know how I slept this long , it's already 12:34pm

I stretch and get out of my bed , I walk into my bathroom and turn on the light , that shit had a bitch blind , I use the bathroom and go to wash my hands , after that I wash my face , I fix my hair a lil bit cause I was looking kinda crazy and I brush my teeth
I grabbed my speaker and started playing some music , I rap in the mirror , and turn around twerking , I stopped twerking because I could smell something from my bathroom but I couldn't tell what it was so I walked out my bathroom and followed the scent
I walk downstairs and it smelled even more amazing , it was cinnamon rolls , me and tori's favorite growing up , but who was cooking it cause I know my dusty ass brother ain't do it and my mom isn't here

"Hey" tori says smiling
"Hi" airi says coming closer
Airi looks in the kitchen and hears a noise , she walks up and Keisha is taking cinnamon rolls out of the oven
"Hey baby sis" airi looks over and sees Keisha her older sister
"Oh my god" airi runs to her and hugs her tighter then ever
"What are you doing here" airi says with a big smile on her face
"Well I live here now, I missed my siblings and it was time to start over, so I got a town house , and I'm gonna work on my music"
"Omg , really??? Keisha nods her head , bruhhh betttt"
She hugs her again and then her smile fades
"But what about mom and dad" airi says pulling her to sit down and she sits in the chair across from her

"Well when they get back I plan on talking to them, you know I love them , so I can't keep hiding" she says taking in a big breath and letting it out

"This is crazy , I mean I haven't seen you in years and to actually see you it's incredible, I really hope this doesn't go away anytime soon"
"how have you been, when you left you was pissed" tori says bringing out a plate full of cinnamon rolls to the table , with organge juice and milk
They all grab and plate and start taking a couple off the plate
"I've been pretty good, you know since they were mad at me , it stopped them from supporting me financially so I had to get a part time job, it's been hard but I've just been trying to live that independent life , it's very different but ya know "
"I bet , I mean when mom said I couldn't speak to you, I was furious , i didn't speak to mom and dad for a week and once they threatened to take my phone, I gave in" tori said as his fork hits the plate
"Where is kyrie" airi asks taking a bite of her roll
"He is staying with his dad for right now , ugh I don't even wanna talk about deon right now"

Deon is Keisha's ex , they were together while in high school , my parents didn't approve from the jump and when they found out she was pregnant, that was the cherry on the cake , but thankfully I got a beautiful 2 yr old nephew , I would love to see him , but I don't know if that will happen soon

"Y'all still fighting" tori says laughing
"He hard headed , we have shared custody, that means you share , he act like kyrie has only one parent" Keisha says taking a sip of milk
"I mean all I need is some damn child support from his ass and things would be easier" she says annoyed

I didn't like deon and I knew this would happen but a "I told you so" dosent seem right in this situation
"Well I'm sorry sis, at least Kylie is healthy and happy"airi says holding her hand
"It's okay , I don't need him , I moved away , I'll get Kyrie soon and plus I got my eyes on some new candy next door , he is beyond fine , and plus I could use someone young" she says smiling
Tori chokes on his cinnamon roll and starts laughing
"You good" Keisha says laughing
"Mmm , is he tall" airi says
"Oo yes"
"Brown skin"
"Curly hair and a lil mustache and beard"
"Ohhhh yea baby, you sound like you know him, if he go to your school you need to hook me up , I mean shit he look 18, ain't no cases here"
"Oh , tray , he look like this" airi shows her lock screen

When I Look At You (18+) (FAN-FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now