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Reader's POV

Today is mine and Winn's year anniversary. I am so happy that I have him in my life. When he met me, I was so broken, and hopeless. But, with him, I'm just, happy, hopeful, and whole again. I couldn't imagine my life if I had never met him, I dont want to. Winn had said that he was picking me up for dinner tonight, and that he had a special present. I bought him a nice watch. I cant believe it's been a year since we started dating.

♡time skip brought to you by Winn's cuteness♡

It was six pm and Winn had arrived to pick me up for our dinner date. He took me to (insert fancy restaurant) for dinner. I wore a f/c dress with gold accents and black heels.
"Wow, you look amazing." Winn told me.  I blushed.
"Thanks, I told him. You look pretty handsome yourself." I told him.
"Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head and he opened the car door for me and I got in.
We had gotten to the restaurant and Winn ordered a bottle of cherry champagne for us. The waitress brought out the champagne and two champagne flutes.

Winn's POV

I pulled out a box from my pocket. I was one step closer to proposing. Today I am giving the love of my life a promise ring, promising her, that I will always love her, and she will be the only one for me.

Reader's POV

I saw Winn pull out a ring box and get on one knee.
"Its a promise ring." He told me. "I promise to love you, and I promise to hold you. I promise to be there for the good times, and especially the bad."
I nodded my head and he slid the ring onto my finger. I gave him a kiss. After we ordered food, we ate and then Winn took me home.
"Sweet dreams sunshine." He told me
"Sweet dreams moonbeam." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
I cant wait to spend my life with him.

Winn Schott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now