Planning the Wedding

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"Okay" I said. "So Alex will be the maid of honor. Kara and Lena will also be bridesmaids."
"Okay." Winn told me. "James will be my best man, and Jonn will also be my groomsman."
Me and Winn got straight to planning the wedding. We were only doing minor details so far.
"Alright, I gotta go. I told Alex we would get a beer to celebrate. Also, Jonn decided he was throwing our engagement party. Itll distract me from well, you know." I said.
"What happened?" Winn asked.
"Well three years ago I was at my apartment and my adoptive parents were visiting. It was late, so they decided to head home. They got in their car and about an hour later, I was watching TV, and I saw that there had been a car crash. I was scared, obviously, but even worse, I saw the license plate of the car and realized that it was their car. I was devastated. I was alone. I felt awful. I wanted to die. But, then, J'onn found me and recruited me for the DEO. He gave me purpose in life. Tomorrow is the anniversary of their death." I told Winn.
"Wow, I'm so sorry y/n/n. I had no idea." Winn told me.
"You couldn't of. I dont really talk about it. Hell, your the first person I've really opened up too about. I was just hoping that they would still be alive. My Earth 1 dad, my birth father, he died before I came here." I said.
Winn just gave me a sorry look.
"Wow, i talk a lot sorry. I'm gonna go meet up with Alex now. Love you." I said.
"Okay, love you too." Winn said.
So I drove to the alien bar where me and Alex were meeting.
"Hey Alex." I said.
"Hey." She said.
We sat down and talked for a while. I was glad to have her as my friend.

(Sorry this one kinda sucks)

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