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Reader's POV

I was walking to my car when someone walked up behind me and tossed a bag over my head. I screamed and wriggled but they wouldnt let go.
"Let me go!!" I screamed.
They didnt listen to me and shoved me through a breach.

-Time skip from Earth 1-

They took the bag off of my head. I was in some sort of warehouse.
"Who the hell are you!?" I shouted to the figure in the shadows.
The man stepped out of the shadows.

"I am Hartley Rathaway. An old colleague of Cisco's. He locked me up, so now, I want to hurt him. What better way, than to hurt you?" The man said.
I was scared. Cisco had told me about Hartley and how he had tried to kill them, and caused them so much pain.

-le time skip-

I sat there crying. I didnt know what to do. I was alone. I remembered that Cisco had built me a phone that could work over the multiverse. So, with Hartley gone, I texted him

Y/n: SOS
Cisco: are you okay.
Y/n: I'm on earth 1. Hartley kidnapped me.
Cisco: are you okay
Y/n: no,  but he didnt really hurt me that much.
Cisco: what did he do?
Y/n: he broke my hand.
Cisco: delete these messages, I'm pinging your phone. I promise, we will find you and get you back to your earth to Winn.
Y/n: okay.

I deleted all the messages just in time when Hartley came in. I slid my phone under my butt so he wouldnt see it.
"Well, how should I hurt you now?" He said. He took out a taser and shocked my leg. I screamed in agony. Cisco breached in.
"Well, well, well. How nice of you to join us Cisco."
"Let my cousin go!" Cisco shouted. Caitlin came through the breach as killer frost, and the flash zoomed in. Ralph also followed through the breach.
"Who's this asshole?" Ralph said pointing at Hartley.
"That, is Hartley Rathaway. Aka pied piper." Cisco told him.
Cisco shot an energy blast at Hartley and opened a breach.
"Y/n! Go through! Now!!" Cisco and Ralph yelled. I rushed through the breach and landed at star labs.
Once team flash took care of Hartley they got him locked up in Iron Heights.
"Are you okay now?" Cisco asked me giving me a hug.
"He gave me a drink. Caitlin, it's best if you ran some tests to make sure that he didnt drug me." I told her.
"Of course." Caitlin told me. So she ran some tests.
"Well, turns out that he didnt put anything in it. I guess you hot lucky on that part." Caitlin said.
"Thanks Cait." I said. She nodded her head and left the room.
"Hey, I'm glad your okay." Ralph told me.
"Me too. Cisco, I'm ready to go home." I said. He nodded his head and opened a breach. "Bye guys. It was good seeing you." I said, waving goodbye.

I walked through the breach and breached to D.E.O headquarters.
Winn saw me and gave me a huge hug.
"Are you okay? What happened. You no ones seen you for two days." Winn told me.
"Two days?" I asked. "It didnt feel like I was gone that long." "I was kidnapped, and I guess he knocked me out."
"Well, I'm glad you are okay now." Winn told me.
"Me too. I love you Winn Schott."
"I love you too" he said kissing me

Winn Schott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now