|PROLOGUE 1 / 2 | m e d o w |

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On a field filled with flowers, bright and bloomed. Swaying along with spring breeze. Painting a serene image.

On a stone path that looked endless, two boys stood facing each other.

One with hands occupied by flowers that looked to be plucked from the field. And the other with hands behind their back. Elegantly standing in front of the seemingly messy and troublemaker other.

"..Picking flowers are forbidden here."

"..." Alexander stood there in silence, falling into a trance like state. Petals drifted around, letting the wind guide them as they please. Letting his arms fall to his side, the flowers that were previously held by him fell about. But Alexander ignored this, instead he hurriedly walked towards the other boy, stepping on the flowers like they were nothing.

This was all done in a few seconds, completely catching the other off guard. Just as the boy thought of stepping back, his arms were suddenly grabbed and was pulled forward by Alexander.

Face to face. Just inches apart, Alexander jousted in a cheery manner. "I'm sorry, I just can't resist such beautiful things! I just wanted to take them home, and keep them forever!"

The boy looked at Alexander, but his gaze drifted behind him, towards the pile of dying flowers.

Alexander saw this, and an inexplicable emotion erupted from him. He quickly moved to obscure the others view, a frown etched on his thin pink lips.

"Hey..why are you looking at them? You're only supposed to look at me! Yes, look at me!"

Alexander stepped closer to the other. Bodies so close, they look to be embracing. The other naturally took a step back, but was roughly pulled again by Alexander.

"Hey..why do you want to go away? Do you not like me? No! You have to like me, or else..else.." Alexander looked down, lashes casting a shadow over his eyes. The other forced himself out of Alexander's grasp, taking a couple steps back.

"Ah! Your name! What is your name? Mine is Alexander. It's nice to meet you!"

The boy did not answer him. To which Alexander frowned, but he did not speak. The silence lasted for awhile, and as the silence stretched out longer, the stronger the inexplicable emotion grew.

"Hey!ー" Seeing him turn around, Alexander shouted after him but was frozen stiff by the sudden glare he received.

*Thump. Thump.

The loud beating of his heart fill his body. It was a painful but brought a questionable enjoyment to him.

One the boy was out of sight, Alexander fell to his knees. Sweat dripped down his head as he panted heavily.


A sick smile adorned his heavily blushed face. Tears on the rim of his eyes.

'My dear, we'll certainly meet again.'

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