Chapter 3: A Love Continues

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In the day when Starflight and Tsunami confess their love to each other, they have been meeting everyday. Starflight was planning something for the next Sunday. The day after they confessed was Monday. On Monday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling together. On Tuesday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling with each other. On Wednesday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling with each other. On Thursday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling with each other. On Friday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling with each other. On Saturday, Starflight and Tsunami were cuddling with each other. And Starflight calls Tsunami beautiful and Tsunami calls Starflight handome. Starflight and Tsunami did not have arguments anymore. On Sunday, Starflight had already made everything for their date on last Sunday. Starflight had woken up from his sleep. Tsunami had woken up from her sleep too.
Starflight: Good morning, beautiful!
Tsunami: Good morning, handsome!
Starflight: Tsunami, would you go on a date with me?
Tsunami: Starflight, I would love to go on a date with you!
Clay was jealous that Starflight and Tsunami had gotten together.
When Tsunami saw their date was in the restaurent next to the SeaWing Kingdom, she was happy and was glad that Starflight was her boyfriend.
Starflight: Do you like it?
Tsunami: Like it?
Starflight: Yep!
Tsunami: I love it!
Starflight: Tsunami, I planned all of this date just for you, my beautiful girlfriend!
Tsunami: Starflight, this is why I am glad to have you, my handsome boyfriend!
Clay was wondering about how did Starflight and Tsunami get into a couple!
Clay: (How did this happen?! I mean I did heard that they had gotten together but I thought that they would have broken up by now! But instead of having arguments, they are getting along just fine! Maybe they will have arguments when they get married! Wait a minute! Instead of getting jealous, I should go talk to Glory instead!)
So Clay went to the RainWing Kingdom and heard a cried for help! He went there and saw Glory. Glory was being attacked by scavengers, ninjas, and robots.
Glory: Help! Help me!
Clay: Hey! Leave Glory alone!
Clay went to the scavengers and clawed them and then damaged the ninjas and destroy the robots.
Clay: Are you okay, Glory?
Glory: I am fine thanks to you, Clay!
Clay: I just came here to get my mind off something!
Glory: What is on your mind?
Clay: Starflight and Tsunami!
Glory: What is wrong about that?
Clay: Starflight and Tsunami are together as a couple!
Glory: What?
Clay: It is actually true!
Glory: It is not because I do not believe you, Clay!
Clay: Then why are you surprised, Glory?
Glory: That is shocking news to me since what I heard, Clay!
Clay: I know and this is very shocking!
Glory: I am surprised that they manage to get together despite the arguments they had!
Clay: I know and I thought that they were going to break up but they didn't and they get along just fine!
Glory: I am sure that they will breakup soon!
Clay: Are you going to check?
Glory: I am going to check!
So Glory went to the Jade Mountain Academy and asked Sunny about Starflight and Tsunami.
Sunny: Hello, Glory!
Glory: Hello, Sunny!
Sunny: What are you doing here?
Glory: I am looking for the head of the school!
Sunny: I am the head of the school!
Glory: I am looking the actual head of the school!
Sunny: You mean Tsunami!
Glory: Yep!
Sunny: But Tsunami is not here right now!
Glory: Then I would talk to Starflight!
Sunny: But Starflight is not here either!
Glory: Then where are they?
Sunny: They are in the HumHum Restaurant.
Glory: That is funny...
Sunny: Why?
Glory: Starflight would never go there!
Sunny: They are on a date!
Glory: Huh?
Sunny: Starflight asked Tsunami to go on a date with him and she said yes!
Glory: Really!
Sunny: Yep!
Glory: But I thought Starflight will be with you...
Sunny: Well, umm...
Glory: Don't tell me!
Sunny: Okay!
Glory: You rejected Starflight, Sunny!
Sunny: Yes, I did...
Glory: So that means that Starflight had moved on to Tsunami!
Sunny: So why did you come?
Glory: I just came here to check if what Clay said is true.
Sunny: Okay.
Glory: I wish you didn't reject Starflight, Sunny.
Sunny: Why?
Glory: Because now Clay feels jealous!
Sunny: Oh, I didn't even know that!
Glory: I better get back to my kingdom!
Sunny: Okay then!
Glory: I must be leaving now!
Sunny: Bye, Glory!
Glory: Bye, Sunny!
Glory went back to the RainWing Kingdom and saw Clay still there!
Clay: So how did it go?
Glory: It went good!
Clay: There is something you should know!
Glory: What thing?
Clay: The reason why I saved you!
Glory: That is the reason I want to know!
Clay: Glory, can I tell you anything?
Glory: Clay, you can tell me anything!
Clay: I love you, Glory!
Glory: I love you too, Clay!
Clay: Glory, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Glory: Clay, I would love to be your girlfriend!
Clay and Glory move their snouts closer to each other and kissed! They were kissing each other very passionately! It was wonderful moment for the both of them! Then the couple flew off in the sunset to Jade Mountain Academy!

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