Chapter 21

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Ajax appeared in the doorway with a tray of food in his hands. His green eyes were dancing with warmth and kindness as he progressed into my room and his hair was tussled as if he had leapt out of bed and ran to get breakfast for me. The idea made my heart flutter but I squashed the feeling as best as I could.

"Good morning," he whispered. The sound of his voice was almost enough to make me forget that I couldn't melt, but I had to stay strong if I wanted to get through this.

"Morning," I mumbled, turning away from him. It was so easy to be furious and terrified of him when he wasn't around. When I was given the space I would only be able to think about how messed up the entire situation was. But when he was near he had some crazy effect on me that made me forget everything. Each time I saw him I was stricken by how handsome he was and how everything he did seemed like magic.

"I brought you breakfast," he continued, then his breath caught in his throat. I heard his footsteps on the carpet as he came towards me. "I didn't think that you would be getting ready for the day."

I was relieved by the fact that he hadn't brought up the phone call. But when I registered his words I became embarrassed. I knew I shouldn't have because how I looked was the least of my concerns right now, but my hair was a mess and I was wearing sweatpants. I didn't have a lick of makeup on and hadn't even made time to brush my teeth yet. I must've looked like I had just been through a hurricane. But when I shifted around to face him once more I saw the way he had placed the tray on the desk and how his eyes were running over my whole body.

It was then that I became very aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Are you hungry?" he whispered, but his attention remained on my body. His hands clenched into fists at his sides.

"No," I lied. My stomach was grumbling madly, but there was something in me that made me defiant. And even stranger, the part that was deeply attracted him was also the same part that wanted to fight him. The way he had responded to me in the garage yesterday had left its mark on my mind. I wanted to see him like that again though any sane person would've been terrified of pushing a man like him.

"Come on, I don't want you getting sick or being unwell while you're here," he pressed, sensing my falseness.

"If you didn't want me to feel unwell you wouldn't have drugged me and taken me to...wherever the hell we are," I argued, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We are in Germany," he replied with a certain level of wariness.

And just like that all of my potential attraction fell away. Horror took over in its place.

"What?!" I screamed, "How the hell did you get me here? I don't even have a passport and I've never left that country. This can't be legal. You're fucking crazy and you're committing crimes on top of crimes."

"Sit, "Ajax ordered. His voice was firm, but his eyes flickered with concern.

I defiantly stood, narrowing my eyes at him. he wasn't going to talk to me like I was a dog after he had done so much wrong. Who the hell did he think he was anyway?

"I don't know how you got me here and I don't know why no one else seems to care that you broke the law but you're going to take me back home right now. I'm going to go back to college and go back to stripping and act like you never happened," I announced, stabbing my index finger against the center of his chest, "You're sick in the head and I'm not going to let you ruin my life."

I expected a wild blow out. I thought he would bite his lower lip or lash out. I thought I would be able to see the way he would desperately try to regain control over his emotions and fail in a tremendous mess. I had never met a man who thrived with confrontation as much as Ajax.

But he just let a soft sigh whistle through his clenched teeth as he shook his head. "You really have no idea what's going on, do you?" He didn't look mad. He almost looked like he pitied me.

"Fuck you," I snapped. I hated it when he said that. And I hated the way that everyone else seemed to play into it. I was being kept on the outside of something and I hated it.

Ajax let out another sigh, "Eat something today please. I thought that letting you sleep off the drugs and being here would help you." He ran a hand through his dark hair, seeing completely torn, "It doesn't matter what I thought. You need more time and I'm more than willing to give you whatever you need."

"I need to go home!" I screamed, but he already had his back turned to me.

"Eat something. If you want to talk to me knock on the door, I'll have someone stationed nearby to alert me. If not, I'll see you tomorrow."

***Next chapter at 23 votes! What do you think of Ajax?***

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