The End

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 Staring at Loki's dagger as Thanos threw it to the ground, you felt yourself grow lightheaded again. You didn't want to turn around in case it wasn't true, but judging from the incredulous look on Thanos' usually expressionless face, you were sure that Loki Laufeyson was standing right behind you.

That did it. Lack of oxygen and the fact that your five years dead boyfriend was apparently back from the dead and stood behind you combined was too much for you brain. You fought to stay conscious, but your body had other plans, and everything went black.


Loki's voice drifted through your brain, and you unconsciously smiled. He had such a nice voice. You missed him...

"She's not dead is she? Don't let her be dead..."

"She's not dead, I would know."

"... and then she just went right up to Thanos and attacked him... she had a good go..."

As several other voices invaded your brain too, you began to regain consciousness.

You opened your eyes.

And saw Loki's face looking down on you.

He was smiling.

He had lost his helmet, his hair was a mess, he was covered in dirt and blood and he had a painful looking black eye. But to you he had never looked more beautiful.

At first, you didn't move. You just stared at him. That face that you'd missed so much, it was right there. Which could mean only one thing...

"Am I dead?" you whispered hoarsely.

Incredibly, Loki looked on the verge of tears, but was still smiling at you like you were the best thing he'd seen in a long time. Which, for the record, you were. You'd never seen him express so much emotion around anyone who wasn't, well... you.

"No love, you're alright." He whispered back, touching your cheek.

The enormity of his words came crashing down on you and you almost passed out again, he was alive. Loki was alive; this time in the present day, not in 2012. Tears filled your eyes; a million questions flew through your mind, but right now you didn't care about the answers to any of them. 'He's come back to me' you thought; the words echoed through your brain a thousand times over.

Your hand found his, and you squeezed, making sure he was really truly real.

"I missed you so much." You said, so quietly it was barely audible. He shook his head with a smile, as if unable to comprehend that you were in front of him. You knew the feeling.

"Can you sit up?" Loki asked, swiftly drying his eyes with the back of his hand. He would have hated for anyone else to see him in any way emotional. You nodded, and he helped you up. Your whole body ached, which was fair enough you thought, considering what had just happened to you.

"Where did- "

"One of his minions came over to tell him our side had the gauntlet." Loki told you, before you had finished. Another thing you had missed – having someone who could read your mind, who knew what you were going to say before the words even came out of your mouth.

"Oh, no, we have to go and help." You said, trying and failing to get to your feet as a sharp pain shot through your side.


"You're not going anywhere." Loki told you, catching you as you collapsed back down in a heap.

"We can't just sit here!" you said indignantly. And then realized what was actually happening. You were talking – arguing with Loki. Who was sat next to you. Alive.

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