Chapter 2.

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Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting when I knocked on the door. What I do know though is that it definitely wasn't this. Before stands on older man probably around late thirties, start forties. While I would normally feel slightly intimidated by his sheer height, standing at least 6'2 which is a lot compared to my petite frame of 5'1, I find myself struggling to contain the laughter that burns to be set free from within. The man who stands before me wears a kind smile and has laughter in his eyes, but that is not what I find funny. No, the thing that is funny is the streak of flour covering the left side of his face. I contain my laughter not wanting to come off as impolite and smile give the man in front of me a small smile.

His eyes crinkle slightly as he smiles back at me before talking.

"Good evening, young lady, how may I be of help? Looking for a room to spend the night in?" His voice almost instantly sends a wave of comfort through my body, allowing my tense muscles to relax. His voice reminds of the kind elderly gardener who worked at the palace until two winters ago, where he quit so he could be at home and take care of his sickly wife. Other than my nanny, Karan, he was one of the only people who ever showed me kindness.

Still only smiling slightly, I shyly nod my head to indicate that I would like a room for the night making sure to angel my pouch, so he can see I have money to pay with. However, just as the smile never leaves his face, as does his eyes never move from mine.

He opens the door further and steps lightly to the side so I can get through the door. Once I am inside, he closes the door, turns his back to me and walks towards the counter at the other end of the room. I silently follow him, taking in the room around me. It's like how I would imagine an inn to look like, expect there isn't anyone else other than me and the man. Although it normally would seem suspicious, the inn gives of a positive aura, making up for the lack of visitors. I reach the counter that the man is now behind looking at a wall-section filled with keys. I stand there waiting patiently for the man to find whatever he is looking for, which doesn't take long. A few seconds later he grabs a key and turns around towards me, holding out the key for me to take. I take the key and hold it in my hand, and before I get the chance to say anything the man is beside me again.

"I will lead you to your room and then you can take a rest, I would guess that you have had quite a day today. You look almost ready to lie down on the floor to sleep" We both laugh but of different reasons, if only he knew how spot on he actually is. I follow him up the stairs looking around the weirdly empty room once again, but I think that I wasn't so discrete this time as the man laughs slightly again before he talks.

"Yeah, I would probably feel just as suspicious as you are right now if it was me walking into a completely empty inn. You see, this inn lies quite a bit away from the village which means that I don't get that many customers but the ones I do get are mostly travellers looking for a place to stay the night, just like you, young lady" He explains. I wonder why he doesn't move into the village to start something up there, surely it would pay of better than his current inn. However, I won't complain as I would have to either have camped out tonight or rode for who knows how many hours before reaching another inn.

We reach the end of the hallway and he steps aside for me, so I can unlock the door before us. I step up to the door and unlock it, opening the door to see the room I will be staying in for the night. It is nice, very cosy. There is a simple bed in the middle of the room with light blue bedsheets on. On the left side of the bed is a big window looking out over the forest that I just came through, on the right side of the bed is a nightstand, with a bowl and a cloth draped over the edge of it for washing up. I turn towards the man and thank him. He smiles and informs me that breakfast is served at 8am and that paying is done right before leaving the inn, then he wishes be goodnight. I close the door behind me and lock it from the inside, you can never be to sure. Then I walk further into the room and see a door on the right side besides the nightstand. I walk over to it and see that it is a bathroom. I put down all of my things that the end of the bed and decide that a bath could be a great way to helping me relax. So, I find my nightgown and walk into the bathroom, seeing as there is towels sitting on the edge of the bath, neatly folded, I won't be never to worry about that. I fill the bath with nicely hot water and strip of my clothes, being careful with my bandage and wounds. Once I am done, I step into the bath and sink down, letting the last tense muscles from today relax and for the first time in years I allow myself to just relax. I don't think about my stepmother, Marie or my father. It's just me, myself and I.

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