Chapter 3

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It doesn't take long before I reach the village, the ride through the forest was quick and peaceful. As I lead Alpha towards the village I take in the atmosphere of the people, it is so different from what I am used too, it is so happy. As I get closer, I am able to hear the laughter and music that's coming from the village and it fills me with a warmth that I haven't felt in many years, not since Mother passed.

I slow Alpha down and we walk slowly through the village, my lips lifting up as I see a little girl dancing around the street with a pretty little flower crown on her head, her parents I assume are watching on from the side lines with loving smiles. On the other side of the street is a little group of young men laughing together. But everything can't be perfect because as Alpha and I continue through the village we see people of less fortune walking around. But it is as I see a little group of five children fuddling together in a poorly lit corner, that I jump down from Alpha. The children startle as I get closer, when I get closer, I am able to see them better. They are all are skinny and wearing clothes close to rags, dirt is covering them and my heart bleeds out for them.

I cautiously get closer as I don't want to frighten them. Once I am close, I crouch down to their level, and then am I able to see the tears streaks streaming down their faces.

"Hello little ones, what are you doing sitting here all alone? Did you get lost from your parents?" I made sure that I kept my voice as soothing as possible. It was quiet for some time before one of the three boys answered, I sure that he is the oldest of the five children.

"Mommy is sick, and Daddy is working more so that we can afford for medicine so Mommy can get better. We wanted to help Daddy, but we don't have any money to buy the medicine for." The little boy ruffled his dirty blonde hair in frustration, he couldn't be more than eight, but he already knew about the importance of money. His light hazel eyes filled with more tears as he couldn't do anything to help his parents and siblings. Having made up my mind about what I was going to do, I stood and went over to Alpha, I took guided him over to the children and asked them to watch over him for me for a little while. They nodded and as I turned to walk away, I remembered I had forgotten something really important and asked over my shoulder what kind of medicine their mother needed. After they told me, I went over to the medical shop on the other side of the street.

I walked into the shop and was greeted by the strong smell of herbs and disinfecting alcohol. I went up to the cashier where a man with a kind smile and shining eyes was standing and watching me. I smiled back at him and asked for the medicine that the children would need, and told the doctor about their mothers illness, so as I paid for the medicine, I also paid for another round of the medicine if it would be needed and then I left with the medicine in a bag, but as I was about to leave the shop, the cashier called from behind, making me turn around to look at him.

"You have a kind heart, little bird. Remember that, I think you will be rewarded for your kindness somewhere in the near future" Although it was something unusual to say, I thanked him and left to return to the children.

Back by the children, I gave them the medicine and some money to help their family. They asked what I was I wanted in return, because they didn't have much. But I assured them that the only thing I wanted from them was for their mother to become healthy again and for them to keep their kind hearts and help their parents, so with that promise we parted ways and Alpha and I hurried through the rest of the village, as we had fallen behind and needed to get moving before the Queen's guards found me.

As I reached the end of the village, I checked Uncle's map again and rode the right way towards the place where Uncle promised my safety. Since I was now on the other side of the village, I was somewhat safe, as the Queen was only allowed to search up to the village without the kings permission. As Alpha and I slowed down, I was able to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, the birds sang so lightly and together they created a soothing melody and the wind blow through the trees and the nice rustling only added to the serenity.

Finally, after an hour more of following Uncle's map, an outline of a house showed up in the horizon and it only grew bigger and clearer the closer I got. As I reached the gates of what I before thought would be a house, but turns out to be a castle, I started to fear that I had taken a wrong turn a some point and went a different way from where Uncle had meant for me to go, but I didn't get to think more about it as the gates opened mystically and Alpha started to walk through and towards to the castle, the beauty of it couldn't be described in words, but what could be described was the sad and cold feeling the castle gave out. It was like a shadow was laid over it, but it is beautiful, nonetheless. The big stone walls were coved in rose vines, my favourite flower, the Chrysler imperial rose. The garden was well managed even without the sight of life around the grounds.

But as weird as it was, Uncle had sent me this way and I trusted him. And if he thought that I would be safe here, then I am sure that I will be. I led Alpha down the path to the castle and saw a stable of too the side, where I then led him over and tied him up to the out part, as I didn't want to intrude, and the weather was fine enough for him to stand outside. As I turned away from Alpha, I felt eyes on me, and Goosebumps spread throughout my body. But as I looked around, I could see no one, so I shrugged it off. I walked up to the castle and knocked on the big dark oak doors and as I waited to see if someone has inside, I noticed intricate designs of rose vines with small hearts hidden in between on the doors. As I lifted my hands to trace the design the doors opened, and I took a step back out of shock.

As the doors opened, I came face to face with a beautiful middle-aged woman with a kind smile.

"How may I help you dear? Did you get lost?" She asked and opened the door a little further, allowing me a glance of a little shadow standing behind her. The shadow quickly came into focus and a little girl was now standing behind the woman who I assume is her mother. I smile at the girl first before turning my attention back to the woman, and as I open my mouth to answer her, I am interrupted by Alpha neighing loudly. Alpha never neighs unless something is wrong. I quickly turn around and look over to where Alpha is only to see that he is stepped back into the shadows and is now out of sight and before I can move to go over to him, I see the shield of my stepmothers guards through the forests trees. She lied, she never intended for me to live, but I thought that she would have stopped by the village as not to give the kings a reason for them to call war upon Charleston. I guess I was wrong. Panicking, I turn back to the woman, who is watching me slightly her brows furrowed together and not trying to keep the panic from my voice as I beg her.

"Listen, I know that I am a stranger and that you shouldn't do this, but I beg. Can I hide inside you house for a couple of hours? I will be silent and gone before you know it." I know I sound desperate and there is nothing I can do about it. But as she slowly nods her head, eyebrows still furrow, I make sure to thank every holy spirit out there.

She steps to the side and I hurry through the door and close it quickly behind me. I lean back against the door and release a much needed breath and slowly my racing heart slows down. Once I calmed down, I opened my eyes and my only just regained breath is once again lost, because what expected when I opened them was definitely not to have 11 pairs of eyes on me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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