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Dramama Ramama Ramama Hey
Dramama Ramama Ramama Hey
Dramama Ramama Ramama Hey

Dramarama - Monsta X

Uhg why did I set an alarm on a Saturday morning?

I reached for my phone sitting on my bedside table. The song still going on. I checked the label.

'UA Entertainment Audition'

"Wait what!" I yelled shooting out of bed and falling flat on my face.

"Eijiro is everything ok!" I heard my mom, Izumi, call from down the hall.

"Yeah everything is great." I said sarcastically while still laying on the floor.

"Hardy har har. Why are you up so early anyway?" My other mom, Akami, said as she leaned on the doorframe of my room.

Yeah I have two moms.

"UA has auditions today. I've been practicing for months now. I totally forgot it was today." I said getting up and grabbing clothes fit for dancing.

"Oh yeah. Well when your dressed come down stairs. We wanna talk to you before you go." She said and walked away.

I wonder what they want to talk about?

After I took a shower and dressed I ran down stairs. My moms were sitting by the dining table and a red box sat in the middle of the table.

"So what do you guys wanna talk about?" I said as I tied my hair back. I'm not in the mood to style it today.

"Well, we both know you've been working hard for today ever since you were little. When you told us that you're gonna try out for the auditions this year, we wanted to get you a little something to help you complete that dream." Izumi said standing up and handing me the box.

"Wait, you guys got something for me? You know you didn't have to." I said taking the box.

"Oh just shut up and open it." Akami said as she came to stand next to Izumi.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I opened the box to reveal beautiful black and red sneakers.

"Wow." Is all I said while admiring them.

"Those aren't just any sneakers. Those are the same brand and colour Crimson Riot wore to his audition." Izumi said. I looked at her I disbelief. They actually listened when I ranted about my idol?

"And for a little something extra. Check the side" Akami said.

I took the sneakers out and on the side of them were the signature of Crimson Riot.

"What no way! How did you get these?" I almost yelled out in excitement.

"We pulled some strings and worked our butts off. We wanted you to have something special when you take your first steps towards your dream." Izumi said smiling lovingly.

"Thank you guys so much!" I said as I brought them both into a hug.

"No problem kid. Now check if they fit." Akami said excitedly.

I smiled and sat on the couch. Kicking off my Crocs I carefully slipped on the sneakers. They fit perfectly. I swear my smile couldn't get any wider.

"Thanks a lot guys." I said one last time.

"We're glad you like it. Now you have 10 minutes to get to UA for your audition. So hurry up kid." Akami said as she went to the door.

"Right. Wish me luck." I said as I walked out the door.

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