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Kirishima's POV.

By the time we got to the dorms we we're so tired we immediately went to bed. The only thing I noticed was the bunk bed with black sheets.

I literally didn't care anymore. I just kicked of my shoes and took off my shirt and face planted on the mattress, burying my face in the pillow.

Before I could reach sleep I heard a chuckle and felt a warm body lay next to me. I immediately cuddled closer needing the warmth and I was met with a muscular naked chest.

Man I didn't think Bakugo would be this built.

"Goodnight Eijiro." He said and held me closer to him.

Without any struggle I fell into a deep slumber.

▪▪▪▪⏭ The Next Morning ⏭ ▪▪▪▪

"Hey Kacchan its time to wake up- ahh" I heard Izuku's voice before the door slams shut and a loud thud was heard.

"Fucken nerd I have an alarm clock for that job! " I heard Bakugo yell next to me. And like the universe heard him, his phone started playing "Bullshit" by Rise Against, I think it was.

(A/N: That is a light song and band
I just thought it's a song Bakugo would listen to.)

"Why do we have to wake up? Just 5 more minutes." I whined and snuggled more into Bakugo's chest as he silenced the alarm.

"I would love to stay in bed all day with you beside me but we have work to do." He said in a soft voice while playing with the hair that fell over my eyes. My eyes still being closed.

"What should we possibly have to do?" I asked opening one of my eyes to see Bakugo staring at me with a slight smile.

"We're gotta finalize our positions, decide on stage names, the name of the group and the name of our fans. You know group stuff." He said.

"When can we get our day off?" I said smirking and turning on my back to face him. Now our position changed. Bakugo was now leaning on his elbow with me under him.

"Maybe tomorrow but right now we need to get breakfast and make it to the dance studio down stairs before 8 otherwise our coach is gonna have our heads." He said acting oblivious to what I'm planning.

"Bakugo, it's like 6 in the morning and we have 2 hours to get there. Just lying in bed for a few more minutes isn't gonna hurt anyone." I said still smirking and running my fingers through his spikey but soft hair.

"Alright what happened to the innocent little kid that auditioned yesterday?" He asked, a smirk also playing on his lips.

"That innocent little kid vanished because you took his first kiss." I said and it's the truth. Ever since that amazing make out with Bakugo something changed. I gained confidence somehow. I guess it's knowing I'm not the only one going through hard times because of my sexuality.

"Well I'm sure as hell ain't stopping." Bakugo said as he leaned closer, smirking.

Finally he catches on to what I want as we share a loving morning kiss.

"I could really get use to this." I said as we broke the kiss.

"Then I'll be sure to make it a routine." Bakugo said and kissed me softly again.

"As much as I love this we really have to get up." Bakugo said and moved away. Getting up from bed and walking towards the closet.

"Aw man and it was just getting good." I said turning on my side as I stared at Bakugo getting dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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