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Katsuki's POV.

"Ok so before we get there I just wanna say my parents are kinda crazy and will ask a butt load of questions. I just wanna apologize for all the things they're gonna say or ask beforehand." Kirishima started rambling as we drove to his house.

"For fuck sakes calm down Shitty Hair. They can't be as bad as you say." I said looking at the road.

"Trust me they are worse and that's it right there." He said as he pointed at a house on the corner.

I pulled over stopping on the driveway. I looked at Kirishima. He was pretty nervous.

"Calm down. It's not like your intruding your boyfriend or something." I said teasingly, yet I want it to be the case.

"Yeah you're right." He said and opened the door but not before I saw his cheeks turning as red as his hair. Yeah he's definitely gay. He didn't react like a straight guy when I said 'boyfriend'. He looked more stressed. Plus he blushed. Yeah I have my ways to see if a guy I like is gay or not.

He lead me to the front door. He opened the door without knocking.

"Mom I'm home!" Kirishima yelled and two woman appeared. One by the kitchen and the other by the couch in the living room.

"Eijiro! Your back! How did it go?! Wait who is this." The woman by the couch said and stormed Kirishima but stopped when she noticed me.

"Hey yeah it went great I got in and this is Bakugo he's the leader of the group I'm in now." Kirishima said in a cheerful voice.

"Hi Bakugo. I'm Akami Kirishima and that's my wife Izumi nice to meet you... Wait you got in! I'm so proud of you Eijiro!" She said and hugged Kirishima. What a late reaction.

"Ma can't breathe." Kirishima said still in the arms of his mother.

"Oh right. Anyway what are you doing here?" She said and let him go.

"I'm getting my stuff to move into the dorms. Bakugo is here to help." Kirishima said.

"Your not gonna live with us anymore?" Izumi said from the kitchen. Walking towards us.

"Don't worry ma'me, Kirishima will visit whenever he can I'll make sure of it." I spoke for the first time. All 3 Kirishima's looked at me smiling. Damn they're smiles are contagious.

"Thank you Bakugo." Izumi said softly.

"Well we're gonna start packing my stuff so we'll be in my room." Kirishima said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs.

We came to a stop in front of a brown door. 'Eijiro Kirishima' painted in red and black on the door. It looks pretty good, must have been done by a professional. He opened the door and what I saw was a stereotypical dancer's room.

The walls was black and mostly covered in posters. Posters of dancer's, singers, groups and actors. There is also some anime posters and figurines on shelves above his bed. He had a single bed with red and black sheets. It stood at the wall opposite the door, in front of a window. Next to the bed, on the wall to the left, stood a brown wooden dresser. Also topped with figurines and albums of all kind. In the corner in front of his bed was a boxing bag hanging from the ceiling. It's clear it was used a lot. The wall to the right was covered with mirrors.

'I guess he practices a lot in his room.'

"Well this is it. Make yourself comfortable. I'll start packing." Kirishima said as he took a bag from under his bed and walked towards his closet.

I sat cross legged on his bed and looked around his room more. Looking at all the posters. There were a lot of famous artists. All Might, Endeavour, Hawks, Best Jeanist exc. But the one artist that has the most praise on his walls was Crimson Riot. Makes sense that he'd idolise a great dancer, since he wants to be one. Some of the posters were of the albums I released.

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