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There's been so many extras auditioning I got bored pretty fucken fast. We were now busy with the Dance category. Most of them were girls. Scratch that all of them were girls.

"Hello. I'm Anna and I'll be dancing." She said smiling but her eyes never left me.

Her face was fucken plastered with makeup and she kept beating her long ass fake lashes at me.

The music started and she danced. The only problem with it was that it was a dance made for strippers.

I had enough of her fucken ugly face and stopped the music. I could see the others silently thank me.

"Why did you stop?" She asked in her fucken high voice.

"Because we don't have a need for sluts in UA." I said taking her file and ripping it up.

"What but I thought you loved me? I did all this for you." She said almost crying.

"You fucken thought wrong. I don't go for girls dressing like they fuck every guy on the block." I said crossing my arms.

She started crying harder and ran out the door.

"I'll never be enough for you." She yelled while running out the door.

I also went through the door to get the next participant.

"What did you say this time Bakugo?" Midnight asked behind the desk.

"I only said the truth. She didn't have a good reason to be in the group. She's just after me. Anyway enough talk about the talentless extras. Who's next?" I asked grabbing the file sitting on the desk.

"Kirishima." I called and looked at the rest of the extras.

"That's me!" A guy with red hair said standing up. It's the cute guy that came in last minute. I smiled a bit when I saw him. He's really cute. His hair is pretty nice to and his smile is so damn bright. Fuck I'm thinking gay again.

"Come on we don't have all day Shitty Hair." I said using the name I called him earlier.

"Right." He said following me behind the door.

I told him to stand in the middle of the room while I moved to stand by the judges.

"Eijiro Kirishima. Your here for Dancing?" Asked Best Jeanist.

"That's right." He said smiling that bright smile of his.

"Is that all? You do know dancers don't go far in this industry." All Might said looking at him.

"The only thing I know I do better than anything is dancing but I'm willing to work hard to learn new things." He said honestly.

Well then that can change.

"Alright. Do your thing." Hawks said smiling.

He connected his phone to the speakers and played the song.

Boy meets Evil - J-Hope (BTS)

Wait this is my song. He's dancing to the song I released last year. The one I'm not very proud of but he makes it look so beautiful. I was mesmorized by his movements. Almost tempting me to dance with him.

When the music stopped I was pretty upset that it ended. He was out of breath and sweaty and man did I wish I was the cause of that.

Fuck no Katsuki! You just fucken met the guy!

"I'll take him." I finally said smiling as Kirishima's eyes met mine.

"Young Bakugo your only going to pick your group when everyone is done." All Might said turning to me.

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