Chapter 3

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"Here you go!" Blueberry says, handing Nightmare a plate with a taco on it. Nightmare blinks and looks down at it. "Oh, um.. thanks," He's says nervously, looking back up at Blueberry. He smiles at Nightmare and then turns back to the stove. Nightmare picks up the taco and stares at it a bit longer before he takes a bite. He spits it out immediately. Blueberry turns around again to see what happened and Nightmare smiles awkwardly. "U-um, I'm not actually hungry right now," He says, getting up from the chair.

Blueberry shakes his head and smiles. "You don't like it, I can tell. Sorry, I'm still working with Alphys so I can make the best tacos!" He declares, laughing a little. Nightmare turns and jumps as he sees the skeleton known as Ink standing behind him. "I see you're up," He says, looking into Nightmares eyes. Nightmare blinks and then backs up a little. "Where am I? Why won't you let anyone tell me?" He finally says. Ink's expression doesn't change. "This is your own fault Nightmare, until you prove you can make up for the damage you've caused, I can't tell you," Nightmare flinches. 'Damage I caused..? What did I do..?'

Ink eventually walks over to Blue and starts talking to him. Nightmare just stares forward, confused at what Ink meant by that. Dream eventually comes down the stares and hugs his brother. "Good morning Nightmare," He says as Nightmare hugs him back. He feels safe when Dream is around, and he can sense that his brother has an aura around him now. He eventually stops hugging him and Dream smiles at him. "So, how'd you sleep?"

Nightmare looks down, not knowing what he should say. He spots Ink glancing at him and blabs out. "It was pretty nice, actually," "Oh, good!" Dream says, turning to the others "How about you guys?" Nightmare doesn't pay attention to what they're saying after that. He spots a door that looks like the entrance and then shakes his head. 'No.. I just got here. I can't use my chance right away or I'll never get out of here,' He stands there for a little bit silently causing Dream to notice.

"Are you ok, Nightmare?" He says, worry starting to show in his eyes. Something about Dreams worry for him makes his soul leap with joy, but he doesn't know what. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just confused still," He lies, smiling awkwardly at his brother. Nightmare can tell Dream's still worried when he smiles back. "Oh, ok.. that makes sense I guess, I'm sorry I can't explain much," Nightmare just nods in response and starts heading up to the room he was given, eyes follow as he does so.

Once he got there he shuts the door behind him and then sighs. 'What did I do wrong..? What was that dream about? Did it have something to do with why that Ink guy doesn't trust me?' He sits down on the bed and starts thinking a little more. After a while he hears a knock on the door. "..Come in!" He says, trying to hide the hesitation in his voice. Blueberry pops his head in and enters. "Something just came up so Ink and Dream went to check it out. I decided to stay back so I could show you around a bit!"

Nightmare blinks, and smiles a little. "Oh, thanks," 'Yeah right.. Ink probably kept him back to watch you,' Nightmare tries not to flinch when he hears the voice from his dream in his head. 'H-how are you...-' "You coming?" His thoughts are interrupted when Blue turns back and sees he isn't following. "Y-Yeah!" He says back, getting up and following Blueberry out the door.

The tour doesn't take long, due to the house being small and the two eventually sit down in the kitchen. Nightmare glances at the door again when Blue isn't looking. 'C'mon, this is your chance.. get him distracted and leave!' The dark voice whispers to him, it's tone full of temptation. Nightmare tries to ignore it but it continues to speak. 'Do you realize what you've done to them? Didn't you hear what Ink said?' Nightmare flinches, an image appears in his head of the people from his dream again.

His left eye turns blue like in his dream and he closes his eyes so Blueberry won't see it. "Huh..? Nightmare, are you alright?" Blue says, and Nightmare realizes that he has started shaking. "Y-Yeah, I'm just cold for some reason," He says suddenly, almost as if he didn't actually say it. "But skeletons don't get cold... well technically you're not a skeleton I guess..." Blue says, almost murmuring it. "Hey, how about I get you a blanket? Maybe it'll help you feel a bit warmer!" 'Yes.. it worked..' "Oh, thank you Blue!"

When Blueberry runs upstairs Nightmare quickly goes to the door and silently opens it. He flinches when he sees the pure blackness outside. 'This house is in a void... but how..?' 'There is another way to get out.. you could-' Nightmare shuts the door and teleports to the chair when he hears Blueberry's foot steps coming down the hall again. He comes downstairs and hands Nightmare a blanket. "Here you go!" He says with a smile. Nightmare smiles back and takes it without a word.

A few hours past and Nightmare is now reading in his room. He hears Ink, Dream, and Blue downstairs as the two finally return, but ignores it. Night finally comes, and Dream comes to say goodnight to Nightmare. The two hug and then Dream leaves for bed. Nightmare's expression turns straight once his brother leaves and he looks down at his hands. 'This place.. how can it be in a void? Maybe this is an AU? That still wouldn't make sense though..'

Nightmare starts to grow tired as he sits there thinking to himself, but he doesn't want to sleep, not when there's a chance of having a dream like last night. Instead, he reads some more, but even distracting himself cannot hide the tired feeling inside of him. He eventually gives in to it and collapses on the bed. He closes his eyes and falls into the darkness of the night, and deep in his soul, he welcomes it as he finally falls asleep.


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