Chapter 13

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Nightmare can't tell if he wakes up after that, or how long he was asleep in fact. Something dark surges through him, and he welcomes it. All he sees around him is darkness, nothing more, nothing less. He has tried to speak, but nothing ever comes out threw his attempts. He's starting to think he's dead, or maybe that corrupted version of him has took over his body. It was in inevitable fate that even Nightmare, even Dream couldn't deny. It seems that in the end, Nightmare could never had won, that no matter what, he'd slowly die on the inside and eventually lose it.

Nightmare lays there, motionless wondering, what now? He lost, and now he's trapped in a place that he's only seen in his dreams, if those were really dreams. Maybe the reason he had this dream so often in the past was because this is the same place he was when the corruption took him over last time, when he was younger. Nightmare's eyes finally flicker open, and the same darkness sits before him. He forces himself to his feet as he looks around, still wondering the same thing over and over again. Then, he starts to think about his brother, about how he'll react next time on the battlefield.

What would his expression be when he sees his brother back to that corrupted version? How would he comprehend having to fight his brother all over again? The thought sends a shiver threw Nightmare, since even now, he isn't use to any of this. Once more, he tries to speak, he tries to call his brothers name, even though he knows nobody would respond. Silence. Nothing comes out again. At this point, he wants to cry. He lost, again, and this time, he probably won't get another chance. So he just stands there, his head down in defeat, knowing that it's over for him.

Hours past before he makes himself walk, looking for anything at all in this empty void. As he walks, his footsteps echo the floor. That is the first noise he has heard since he got here, so he starts watching his feet. He abruptly stops when he realizes he's normal again, no tears or anything. His right hand is no longer goo, but it's normal white shell. A gasp almost manages to force its way into the silence as he looks at the sight, a flicker of possible hope in his eyes. He swings his head up and starts running, the sound of his footsteps almost sounding as if someone were chasing him.

Nothing ever does come, and eventually, Nightmares legs give in to exhaustion, and he collapses to the floor, the hope seeming to leave as soon as it came. He rolls on to his back and stares upwards, though it is no different than the floor. He tries to think of the good days, back when he and Dream were the only ones, when they played and read together. He wishes that he could undo his mistake, that he could erase what he had done that day. It is his fault, just like they said, just like the voice said. He fell into temptation and selfishness, and hurt others because of it.

Yet again, hours past as he lies there, and he's starting to wonder if he possibly fell asleep. Nothing happens, and the darkness has returned to being silent. Nightmares fear turns to more of a depressed state, realizing he messed everything up. If he did get out of this, would Ink forgive him? Or would he only lose any spark of possible trust he gained once Ink figures out he's corrupted? He imagines how angry the brown skeleton will be when he sees him, his eyes flickering red like the last time they encountered one another when the voice had teleported him.

He lets out a mute sigh as he turns his head one way, staring at the endlessness ahead or back. He stares until his eyes start giving way to his exhaustion like his legs did, and he closes his eyes, though he can't imagine himself falling asleep after all of this unless he was knocked out again. So instead, he pretends to, sleep never catching him even in his tired state. At this point, he has lost track of time. Who knows how long it has been. For all he knows, Dream and the others could've already fought him now, stunned and angry about what they see before them.

He imagines how the fight went, Ink pulling out his paintbrush, Dream getting his bow ready, praying that Nightmare was in there somewhere, and Blueberry, who he never got to know well, trying to talk to Nightmare, telling him to fight the corruption and break free. But Nightmare can't hear him, and he doesn't even know if what he's imagining is true. He wants to try and struggle, but that didn't get him anywhere last time, and it won't get him anywhere now. So he sits up and looks down, giving in to the darkness around him, imagining the voices words, knowing that it was right.

'This is all my fault.. why didn't I listen to them? Maybe I am meant to be bad.. what good am I when all I did was mess things up?' Nightmare says to himself, tears finally finding their way onto his cheeks. Nobody answers his question, and nobody ever will. He cries silently to himself for what seems like days until he runs out of tears, and hangs his head even lower. Some destinies can't be avoided, no matter how hard one may try, they can't be stopped. Fate can be a horrible creature at times, and people learn that the hard way.

Dream tried so hard to get his brother back, but some things can't be fixed, some things can never be undone. Nightmare lost his chance, and he will never get that back, he was meant to be like this. Maybe, long ago, something could have been done to save him, but that chance is gone now, it is lost in time. Not every story gets a happy ending, there is always darkness in the light, and we have to admit to it sometimes. But just because Nightmares story is over, doesn't mean someone else's story can't begin.


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