Chapter 10

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Nightmare can only stare at his hand, still unable to comprehend what just happened. He can't feel it anymore, and he can't control it either. All those things they said, all the things everyone had said, they were right. He was corrupted in the past, and that version of him is still here, trying to break free from its outer shell, and now it's closer to doing so. That's all he can think about now, unsure of what he feels is fear or anger now as his thoughts linger threw him, wondering what he'll do now and what'll happen next.

Suddenly, without thinking, he punches his other fist down hard, destroying the goo that is now his right hand. He looks at it in surprise, shocked on how easy that was. His shock stays with him as the hand slowly forms again until it is like it was before Nightmare hit it. 'Did you actually think that would work? How pathetic,' The voices taunts, chuckling a little. Nightmare closes his eyes, trying his best to ignore the voice as it continues to speak. 'You out of all people should know that Nightmare.. since that is what you were,'

Out of no where, Nightmare sees a flash of brown as someone swiftly lifts him up and pins him to a tree before he can react. He flinches as he recognizes Ink, his eyes now red with fury. He doesn't say anything as Dream suddenly appears behind him, his expression upset. "Ink, please! It isn't his fault..!" He whimpers, grabbing Ink by the scarf and yanking a little. Ink turns to him, giving Dream a hard stare, and by Dreams surprise by this, Ink doesn't usually get this mad. He almost immediately turns back, tightening his grip on Nightmares arm as Dream lets go.

Inks sight drops to Nightmares right hand and stays there for a minute before he looks back up to a Nightmare, who is facing the tree and now terrified. "Calm down Nightmare, or I'll kill you right here," Ink growls, moving his head closer so Nightmare can see him. The purple skeleton tries his best to calm down but the fear of death overwhelms him as he starts shaking a bit as well. The voice starts to chuckle again as if it were there, and speaks up. 'I thought I told you this already.. you shouldn't fear them, they should fear you. Dream betrayed you and Ink wants you dead. That's because they don't feel safe with you, they're scared..'

Before anything else is said or done though, Ink is tackled from the side, taking Nightmare with him before finally releasing his arm when he hits the floor. Nightmare spins a bit and is lifted up by someone else. He quickly realizes it's Cross and the one that tackled Ink is Killer. 'N-no.. not now...!' He says to himself, trying to slip out of Cross' grasp. Surprisingly, Nightmare does break free, shocking Cross a bit before he swiftly tries to punch him. He misses, and Nightmare takes a few paces back, still amazed and confused on how he became so strong. "Great..." Cross growls, glaring at Nightmare before summoning his knife.

By now, Ink has gotten Killer off of him and is standing again, ready to fight. He gives a small nod to Dream before pulling out his paintbrush and charging at Killer. As Killer dodges, Dream heads towards Nightmare and Cross, only to get stopped by two others, Horror and Dust. "If you think we were going to miss an opportunity like like this.. you're wrong," Horror says, tightening his grip on his axe. "I knew it was just a matter of time before that idiot messed up again," At that comment, Dream summons his bow in his hand and summons a normal arrow in the other, and starts firing at the two.

Nightmare keeps his focus on Cross, a bit nervous about fighting, but won't back down either. Cross just stands his ground, not making a move, and starts speaking. "I'm honestly not surprised they don't trust you. Heck, I'm even surprised you got Dream to help you!" Nightmare clenches his left fist, trying his best not to let Cross' taunts anger him. "Face it Nightmare, you were never meant to be good, you're the literal creator of negativity it's self! You're the reason we're fighting right now! You have been the reason we've fought this whole time, even before you can remember!"

"That's not true," Nightmare growls, shaking his head. At that, a smile forms on Cross' face, and he starts laughing a little. "Stop lying to yourself.. you know where you belong.." Nightmare's left eye flickers blue and he takes a step forward. "If I'm lying, you might as well be a good guy," Suddenly, Cross' sight turns to something else behind Nightmare causing the purple skeleton to pause, but then dash at Cross. Cross looks shocked at Nightmares reaction and before he can do anything, Nightmare grabs him with both hands, the voices snarling in protest and surprise as he flings Cross in front of him towards the direction he was looking.

Everyone quickly turns towards Cross as he lets out a yelp of pain when something hits him in the chest, seeming to disappear at contact. Nightmare releases him as Cross drops to one knee, fear flooding his eyes. "D-D-D—nit!" The one that had thrown the thing snaps, speaking his normal glitched voice. Cross had one hand on the floor, the other one his head as freaking out, unable to say anything threw his pain. Killer forces his was past Ink, shoving him into a nearby tree as he heads towards Cross. "What the f—k Error!?" He snarls, swinging his head towards the glitched skeleton.

Errors expression becomes even more furious than it was before at that. "Wh-What!? I wasn't th-the one that thought th-th-this was a good idea in the f-first place!" "Ugh! I am not f—king dealing with this right now!" Killer growls, turning his sight to Nightmare as Cross finally collapses. "You." Killers tone makes Nightmares fear come back to him, causing the power over his right hand to fade, and him to get dizzy. Suddenly, Ink slides between the two, glaring at Killer with his normal star and diamond-like eyes. "I'm not letting you touch him," The brown skeleton growls, glancing at everyone around him. "Nobody is,"

Nightmare looks at Ink, surprised that he is defending him now, and it makes him glance at his brother, who is still fighting Horror and Dust, preventing them from getting close to the others. 'They're saving me.. even after all I did..' Killer starts laughing as he looks at Ink, his grin widening. "Good luck with that Ink, we aren't f—king leaving without him!" Ink shakes his head in response, but then his head swings in Nightmares direction, a bit surprised. Nightmare turns his head as well, only to get hit right in the face, knocking him out yet again.


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