The Prince and The Dragon-Yoonmin

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Jimin sat on his bed with his head hanging low as he wrapped his arms around himself to hide the bruises and scars that ran along his arms and slim legs. Fat tears rolled down his rosy cheeks and landed on his fluffy bed sheets as he could hear the stomps of his abusive father walking through the castle corridors, looking for his son. The window was open letting in a slight breeze out poor Jimin was so terrified to move that he couldn't get up to close it. His curtains flapped lightly as the clinking of the medallions his father wore grew louder.

"I know you're somewhere Jimin! You better show yourself how! How dare you disobey your King you disappointment!" His father growled.

Jimin whimpered and hugged himself tighter. Ever since his mother died of a disease while his father was overseas, he changed drastically in every way. He was always angry, always drinking, always demanding, and always beating Jimin out of anger of himself. When he father got drunk he would either lock Jimin away or beat the living shit out of him for no reason. Jimin was terrified and depressed. He would flinch at the slightest touch, run away when people would look at him for too long, be almost mute to avoid getting punished. His father had blamed him for his mother's passing saying he didn't do anything to help her when in reality Jimin was trying to do everything to save her. He was at her beck and call and it tore him apart when his mother passed and the last thing she said to him was 'You've been good my Jiminie. I love you'. Jimin watched her take her last breath before being taken away by death. He spent nights crying his eyes out until his father came back and was given the bad news. Jimin expected his father to come back and mourn with him as they consoled each other but nothing happened. He brushed past Jimin as if he didn't exist. Ever since that day, things were never the same and they never would be..again.

"Find the Prince! Take him to my chambers immediately!" Jimin's father commanded before stomping off angrily.

Jimin heard doors slam close as he covered his mouth to muffle his breathing. His whole body was shaking as he rubbed his smooth legs to soothe the pain of his father's whips against his legs. Jimin heard footsteps approach outside of his door as he froze thinking it was his father.

"Are you in there Jimin?" The voice outside whispered.

Jimin didn't respond. He didn't know who was out there and he didn't have the will power to even respond. Jimin waited as the voice didn't respond for a while before he took his hand away from his mouth, sure that the person had left. Jimin tried to wipe his tears as he ran his hand through his silver hair stressfully. He felt so weak as if he couldn't deal with the world anymore. He felt as if he wasn't strong enough to take anything anymore.

Just then, he felt something wrap around his mouth and something quickly pin his arms behind his back and tied them. Jimin wanted to scream but he couldn't, in fear of his father finding him and beating him after he "saved" him. The strange thing tied his legs together and picked him up before carrying him to his window. Jimin's eyes widened as he tried to break free but the ropes were wrapped securely around him. Jimin's muffled screams were all that could be heard as he was tossed up into the air. He shut his eyes tight, expecting that this was finally the end but no. He felt huge claws wrap around his body securely before lifting him higher into the air. Jimin hesitantly opened his eyes as he saw he was hundreds of feet off the ground and...flying? Jimin turned his head and looked up as he saw himself being carried away by a huge raven colored dragon with purple eyes and huge raven colored wings. It's claws didn't dig into Jimin's soft skin as it flapped its huge wings and flew away from the castle. Jimin watched as the castle grew smaller and smaller as the dragon carried him farther and higher away from it. Part of him was relieved to be taken away while another part was scared of what would happen to him now.

After being carried away for what seemed like hours, they finally came to a far away and secluded forest. Jimin looked at all the tall tree that covered the land before he looked up and sat a huge tower covered by the tall tree. The tower grew closer and closer to the point that Jimin thought they were about to crash. He closed his eyes as the dragon flew to a huge window opening and tossed Jimin inside. Jimin yelped as he landed inside and slid across the surprisingly smooth floor. He rubbed his head before looking down at his now more scratched legs. He lifted the chest part of the black, lace and silk nightgown he had been wearing when he heard something land on the ledge of the window. Jimin slowly looked up as he saw a tall, dark figure with huge wings behind it standing a few feet away from him. The figure stepped inside as Jimin's eyes widened. He saw its purple eyes gleam in the dark as a evil smirk played on its lips.

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