Rewrite Our Stars-Jikook

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Jungkook walked behind the curtains of the huge circus tent that he held the workers practices for their performances. He had recently closed a deal with the man in charge of the whole operation, Kim Namjoon. They had spent the night of negotiation drinking and taking shots. He hadn't wanted to sign up or take the position as an apprentice for fear his family would look down on him as scum. That was how he was raised after all, to think the strange were scum. He had eventually agreed to take Namjoon's deal and settled to get paid 10% of their profits since he made lots of money. Namjoon had showed him the ropes the next day. He wasn't really interested in meeting anyone there. He saw that Namjoon's people ranged from seeming normal to out of this worldly. It started to make sense why his parents always told him to stay away from that kind of people. But still, he couldn't help but be interested in them deep down.

Especially when he first saw him.

He never thought such a beauty existed in the world. His body was perfect like it was sculpted from Gods. His eyes held the universe and would represent crescents every time he smiled. His lips were like plump pink pillows. He had a cute button nose and a cute little crooked tooth. His flexibility and fearlessness astounded Jungkook. His small waist was practically designed for Jungkook to hold onto and his pink hair reminded him of the pinkest and sweetest smelling cherry blossoms. Everything about him was perfect.

The moment Jungkook laid his eyes on him when he was performing and flew inches away from his face, he knew he fell hard for the boy. Time seemed to slow down for the two as the boy extended his hand as if saying to Jungkook to grab it. Their eyes locked and for a moment it seemed like the universe was telling them they belonged to each other. Time started again and the boy swung back down to continue his performance. Jungkook didn't understand why his parents always told him people like the boy were scum, and slowly, he was starting to believe it was a lie. The boy's voice was soft like silk and every time he sang, Jungkook couldn't get enough. He wanted the boy so bad. He wanted the boy to be his and his only.

Jungkook walked past the curtain as he sort of hid himself among the dark. He watched the pink haired boy wave bye to his twin brother. His brother was his partner for their act. Although they were twins, they didn't look alike. A part of Jungkook was happy that they didn't look alike but he could still see the differences between the two. The pink haired boy had a feminine body while the silver haired taller boy was stronger with a more masculine body.

The silver haired boy left the tent behind some curtains leaving his brother behind. The pink haired boy took off the coat he was wearing to protect himself from the cold. Jungkook's cheeks flushed pink as he looked at the blank one piece with short sleeves that hugged around his slim body perfectly. He wore black spandex that clung to his thicc thighs and thicc ass. Jungkook watched as he threw his coat onto the benches before sitting on a hay bale to put on his pink ballet shoes.

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook greeted as he came out from his spot, hands in his pockets.

Jimin jumped in surprise a bit as he turned around and faced Jungkook before he stood up. He already felt his heart pounding 100 miles per hour in his chest as he looked up at the younger.

"Hello Jungkook." Jimin greeted.

Jungkook went over and stood next to Jimin as he took off his own coat. He noticed Jimin seemed a bit down and he kept avoiding eye contact.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Jimin responded.

He couldn't look at Jungkook. Ever since the first day he saw him it seemed like everyday he fell more and more for the younger but Taehyung had told him the type of family Jungkook came from and what they thought of them. Ever since then, Jimin had been trying to kill his love for Jungkook. It was hard because he was breaking his own heart in the process.

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